K. (Queena) Qian

K. (Queena) Qian


Journal publications

1.   Qian, Q.K., Chan EHW, Visscher, H.J., Lehmann S., 2015, Modeling the Green Building (GB) Investment Decisions of Developers and End-users with Transaction Costs (TCs) Considerations, Journal of Cleaner Production (In Press, available online 29 April 2015, doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.04.066)

2.      Qian, Q.K., Chan EHW, Bin Khalid AG, 2015, Challenges in Delivering Green Building Projects: Unearthing the Transaction Costs (TCs), Sustainability, 2015, 7, 3615-3636; doi:10.3390/su7043615

3.   Qian, Q.K., Lehmann S, Bin Khalid AG, Chan EHW, 2014, Transaction Costs (TCs) Framework to Understand the Concerns of Building Energy Efficiency (BEE) Investment in Hong Kong. Int J Waste Resources 4: 135. doi: 10.4303/2252-5211.1000135

4.      Qian Q.K, Lehmann S, Zaman AU, Devlin J, 2013, Framework for Low Carbon Precinct Design from a Zero Waste Approach. Int J Waste Resources 3: 123. doi: 10.4172/2252-5211.1000123.

5.      Qian Q.K, Chan, E.H.W., & Choy, L.H.T., 2013, How transaction costs affect real estate developers entering into the Building Energy Efficiency (BEE) market? Habitat International, Volume 37, pp. 138-147. (Available online 23 February 2012: www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/aip/01973975).

6.      Qian Q.K, Chan, E.H.W., & Choy, L.H.T., 2012, Real Estate Developers’ concerns about uncertainty in Building Energy Efficiency (BEE) investment - A transaction costs (TCs) perspective, Journal of Green Building, Fall 2012, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 116-129. (doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3992/jgb.7.4.116 )

7.      Qian Q.K, Chan, E.H.W., and Xu, P.P., 2011, "Market expectations and policy deficiencies in the promotion of building energy efficiency in China", Journal of Facilities Management, Vol. 9 Iss: 4, pp.230 – 248 (Award the Best Commented Paper 2011-2012 by Emerald)

8.  Xu, P.P., Chan, E.H.W., &Qian, Q.K., 2011, Success factors of energy performance contracting (EPC) for sustainable building energy efficiency retrofit (BEER) of hotel buildings in China, Energy Policy, 39(11), 7389-7398. 

9.  Xu P.P., Chan EHW &Qian Q.K, 2011, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the Sustainability of Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit (BEER) in Hotel Buildings in China, Facilities, Vol. 30 No. 9/10, 2012, pp. 432-448.

10.  Qian Q.K, Chan, E.H.W., 2010, Government measures needed to promote building energy efficiency in China, Facilities, 28(11/12), pp.564-589 (Award the Best Commented Paper 2010-2011 by Emerald).  

11.  Qian, Q.K., 2010, Government Measures in China for Promoting Building Energy Efficiency (BEE): A Comparative Study with Some Developed Countries, The International Journal of Construction Management,Vol.10.No.4, pp.119-138. 

12.  Chan, E.H.W, Qian, Q.K., & Lam, P.T. I., 2009, The Market for Green Building in Developed Asian Cities – the Perspectives of Building Designers, Energy Policy (37), pp.3061-3070. 

13.  Qian, Q.K., Chan, E.H.W., 2009, Policies for Promoting Building Energy Efficiency (BEE): A Comparative Study Between Mainland China and Some Developed Countries, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Science, Volume 4, Issue 5, pp.45-64. 

Book chapters

Book chapters 

1.      Qian Q.K, Lehmann, S., 2013, chapter of “Governance framework and finance system for promoting Low Carbon Cities” in E-book “Creating low carbon cities”, invited to be published.

2.      Qian Q.K, 2012, Barriers to Building Energy Efficiency (BEE) Promotion: A Transaction Costs (TCs) perspective, PhD thesis, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 

3.      Chan EHW and Qian Q.K, 2010, "Promotion of Building Energy Efficiency- government' roles and market"  in Green Building Design and Technologies: Experiences in Southern China and Hong Kong (in Chinese and English), Lau S., Chan E. & Tang G. (Eds) China Building and Technology Publisher [Jian-kung], China. 

News and other media journals

 News articles - contribute to [people.com.cn] in Chinese

“澳中頂尖大學密切合作 攜手應對城市挑戰, 2013年04月01日23:05    來源:人民網-國際頻道” (http://world.people.com.cn/BIG5/n/2013/0401/c57507-20992100.html) (English translation: The urban challenges – how will the Australia 's top universities working closely together with Chinese universities?)


  • ABE009 Research Proposal for Architecture and the Built Environment (for PhD level) (http://www.bk.tudelft.nl/en/research/graduate-school-a-be/doctoral-education/courses-discipline-related/abe-009/)


  • Delft Technology Fellowship (2014) (http://www.tudelft.nl/en/about-tu-delft/working-at-tu-delft/tu-delft-as-employer/delft-technology-fellowship/), Assistant Professor with tenure track contract and 100,000 Euro start-up grant, The Netherlands, 2014-2019. 
  • Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowship (2013) (http://www.innovation.gov.au/INTERNATIONALEDUCATION/ENDEAVOURAWARDS/Pages/default.aspx) at University of South Australia (UniSA), Australia
  • FCE Awards for Outstanding PhD Theses 2011/12 by the Faculty of Construction and Environment (only one winner for the Department of Building and Real Estate), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Fulbright Scholarship Award (2010) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), University of California at Berkeley and Washington University in St. Louis, USA.
  • Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012, Highly Commended Award Winner: “Market Expectations and Policy Deficiencies in the Promotion of Building Energy Efficiency in China” (1st Author) published in Journal of Facilities Management.
  • Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2011 Highly Commended Award Winner: “Government measures needed to promote building energy efficiency (BEE) in China” (1st Author) published in Facilities.
  • PEEC Student Scholarship (Stanford University, USA) for Behaviour, Energy and Climate Change (BECC) conference, Sacramento, 14-17, Nov 2010.
  • Fellowship awarded by NIUS (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) to visit Prof. Douglas North (1993 Nobel Laureate Economist) at Washington University in St. Louise and Prof. Ronald Coase (1991 Nobel Laureate Economist) at University of Chicago, USA, 2009.
  • PEEC Student Scholarship (Stanford University) for Behavior, Energy and Climate Change (BECC) conference, Washington, D.C, 15-18, Nov 2009.
  • Hong Kong Institute of Real Estate Administrators Scholarship 2008/2009, the only awardee at PolyU.


As Grant holder:

1.   Delft Technology Fellow start-up research grant (End-users’ barriers to energy retrofitting the existing building block: transaction costs (TCs) considerations in building control system) – ongoing (2014-2019, on-going, Netherlands)

2.  Fulbright Research Grant (2010)(Project title: Barrier to Promote Building energy Efficiency: A Transaction Costs Perspective) (successfully completed, USA)

3.    Endeavour Cheung Kong Post-Doc Research Grant: Feb-Aug, 2013 (Project title: 'Cost considerations of green buildings (GB): comparative analysis of low carbon real estate development systems’) (successfully completed, Australia)

4.    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Post-Doctor Fellow Grant (Dean’s Reserve Fund): 2012-2014 (Project title: Implementing a Typical Incentive Scheme (TIS) for Promoting the Building Energy Efficiency (BEE) Market in Hong Kong: A Transaction Cost Perspective) HK$579,600 (successfully completed, Hong Kong)

As a Co-Investigator

1.      Co-I of Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme 2014-2015, by the Central Policy Unit of HK SAR. Project title: Sustainable Planning Criteria (SPC) for Age-friendly Precincts (AFP) in the New Development Areas (NDAs) of Hong Kong (Project Number: 2013.A6.006.13A). HK $528,471. (With PI: Prof. Edwin H W Chan, successfully completed) 

2.     Co-I of Research project for the Construction Industry Council Research Fund (Nov., 2013), title: Cost-benefit-analysis (CBA) for implementing green buildings (GB) promotion incentives: with Transaction Costs (TCs) Considerations (HK$1,206,895, on-going, Hong Kong)

3.      Co-I of a joint project of UniSA, Tianjin Uni, University of Tibet and HKPolyU: Material flow, resource-efficiency and zero waste management (HK$ 300,000, on-going, Australia, China Mainland and Hong Kong)

As lead researcher - contributing to the success of the following research grant proposals

1.  PolyU Internal Competitive Research Grant (CRG): Project title: A Framework for Developing Incentive Schemes to Promote the Green Building (GB) Market in Hong Kong: A Transaction Costs (TCs) Approach (2012-2013), HK$ 320,000.  (With PI: Prof. Edwin H W Chan, successfully completed, Hong Kong) 

2.     CII-HK Limited research grant: Project title: Framework for Quantifying the Transaction Costs (TCs) of the Green Building (GB) Project Delivery: A Case of Hong Kong Real Estate Development Process (REDP) (2013-2015), HK$ 300,000.  (With PI: Prof. Edwin H W Chan, successfully completed, Hong Kong) 


Dr. Queena K QIAN is awarded by the Delft Technology Fellowship (2014), and currently employed as tenure-tracked Assistant Professor at OTB Department, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. Prior to her faculty position at TU Delft, she was appointed as Research assistant Professor at Building and Real Estate Department, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.  Her PhD, entitled “Barriers to Promote Building Energy Efficiency - A Transaction Costs Perspective” was awarded the “FCE Outstanding PhD Thesis Award 2011-12” by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2012. In 2013, She was selected as the one of the top 5 awardees worldwide by the Endeavour Australian Cheung Kong Fellowship to conduct Post-Doc research at University of South Australia, Australia. She was also a Fulbright recipient (2010) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UC Berkeley and Washington University in St Louis, USA. Her Fulbright Hosts were Prof. Douglass North (1993 Nobel Laureate Economists) and Dr. Mark Levine (Founding Director of China Energy Group at LBNL). During her Post Doc fellowship (2012-2014) awarded by the Central Bidding Scheme, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, she has drafted proposals and won the research grants such as PPR, CIC, and CIIHK, etc., with total grants over 2 Million HK dollars, of which she is the Co-I. 


Field of research

green building promotion, building energy efficiency, energy retrofitting, transaction costs, sustainable age friendly precinct design, governance and incentive schemes, etc

Description of research idea

As an interdisciplinary researcher, Queena applies the transaction costs (TCs) theory into the green building and energy retrofitting promotion. She explores and the hidden TCs and barriers affecting the green building and energy retrofitting provision, transaction and operation in the new or existing buildings. It aims to find out the root of problem that hinders building energy efficiency/ retrofit market development, who are the key stakeholders involved, and suggests solutions to whom, when, and how to improve the building control system with minimum societal cost.Besides, she is also interested in sustainable age-friendly precinct design related research. 

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