Prof.dr. G.Q. Zhang

Prof.dr. G.Q. Zhang



After worked 4 years as R&D specialist in Fokker Aircraft Company, Dr. Zhang joint Philips in 1996 and worked as principal scientist, competence domain manager, senior director for technology strategy, and fellow. From 2002, he became part-time professor in Technical University of Eindhoven, and in 2005 part-time professor in Delft University of Technology. From May 2013, he works as full-time chair professor of TUD for micro/nanoelectronics system integration and reliability.
Dr. Zhang is IEEE fellow, and serves as co-chair of advisory board of international SSL alliance (ISA); deputy director of European centre for micro and nano reliability (EUCEMAN); vice president of Chinese electronic manufacturing and packaging society; co-director of state key lab for SSL. He serves also as associated editor for 3 international journals, and editor in chief for Springer book series of "SSL technology and application". He is general chair of IEEE conference EuroSimE and co-chair of IEEE conferences of ICEPT and "China SSL".
His primary areas of interests are: multi-level and heterogenous micro/nanoelectronics system integration; designing for reliability; SSL and power electronics system integration and reliability; wearable electronics; technology strategy and roadmap of semiconductors. 

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