F. (Feijia) Yin PhD

F. (Feijia) Yin PhD


Current position

Assistant professor, Climate Effects of Aviation


  • Postdoctoral researcher, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology : 2019.
  • Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology: 2016.
  • M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China: 2011.


  • Aircraft Propulsion System Modelling
  • Novel Aero Engine Concept
  • Climate Effects of Aircraft Emissions
  • Climate modelling for sustainable operations and design
  • Mitigation Measures for Aviation's Climate Impact


Please visit my  Google Scholar profile.


  • SESAR JU Digital Europe Sky Award 2021, FlyATM4E project as winner in the sustainability category, 2021
  • VENI Research Grant awarded by NWO (the Dutch Research Council) under the Talent Scheme, 2019.
  • Best Paper Award for the paper entitled " Verification of the ozone algorithm climate change functions for predicting the short-term NOx effects from aviation en-route" in International Conference for Research in Air Transportation, 2018.


  • "Better Contrail Mitigation- BeCoM", funded by Horizon Europe, 2022-2026. (https://www.becom-project.eu/) (coordinate)
  • "Hydrogen Optimized multi-fuel aircraft propulsion for clean and silent aircraft (HOPE)", funded by Horizon Europe, 2023-2027. (https://hope-eu-project.eu/) (coordinate)
  • "Minimum environmental impact ultra-efficient cores for aircraft propulsion- MINIMAL", funded by Horizon Europe, 2022-2026. (https://www.minimal-aviation.eu)
  • "CONCERTO- Dynamic Collaboration to Generalize Eco-friendly Trajectories", funded by SESAR JU, 2023-2026. (https://www.sesarju.eu/projects/CONCERTO)
  • "Fly Green: the climate impact of future propulsion technology", funded by NWO (the Dutch Research Council), 2019-2023. (https://www.tudelft.nl/lr/climprop ) (project lead)
  • "Flying Air Traffic Management for Environment and climate (FlyATM4E) ", funded by EU SESAR joint undertaking, 2020-2022. (https://flyatm4e.eu/)
  • "Global-Warming-Optimized Aircraft Design (GLOWOPT)", funded by EU Clean Sky2 program, 2019-2022. (http://www.glowopt.eu/)

Organizational role

  • Member of Board of Examiners, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft
  • Thesis Advisory Committee, Faculty of Aerospace Engineeting, TU Delf

Professional activity

  • Member of IGTI Aero Engine Committee 
  • Member of ECATS international association, Working Group lead Sustainable Aircraft Propulsion Technology

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Ancillary activities