Dr. E. Abraham

Dr. E. Abraham


Dr Abraham is an Associate Professor of Water & Control Systems Engineering at Delft University of Technology.
His research interests are mainly in the application of numerical optimisation, control and systems theory to advance water management and environmental engineering applications and their nexuses with energy and agricultural sectors. Some of his research deals with operational optimization of multipurpose reservoirs, optimization and control for irrigation and water allocation, optimization of cropping patterns and infrastructure assessment - most within the context of the water-energy-food nexus. Within urban water systems, his research deals with optimal control and fault diagnosis for drinking water distribution networks, and the urban nexus of heating systems, and energy transitions.

New water and energy infrastructures need to be built at unprecedented rates in the global south, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa where some of Dr Abraham’s work has a special focus. His work revolves around infrastructure planning and mangaement for climate adaptation, mitigation and their spatial aspects. Dr Abraham develops decision support tools that enable better monitoring of water and energy access, infrastructure optimisation for access and their operations through close collaboration with end users. With interdisciplinary expertise in water management, energy systems, control engineering and optimization, as well as a broad collaborative network that specializes beyond these subjects, he has coordinated or has worked in transnational projects that address the water-energy-food nexus and urban water-energy systems (EPIC AFRICA, ENLARGE, PCOCS, AGRICOAST, AQUACONNECT, WATERNEXUS). In his collaborative work, Edo aims to integrate sensititvity to values and is passionate about global development that is foregrounded in values such as equitable access to resources and infrastructure, environmental sustainability, (global) solidarity and social justice.

Before joining TU Delft in 2016, Dr Abraham was a Research Associate in the Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Group at Imperial College London. He has a PhD in Control Engineering (Aeronautics) and a first-class honours MEng degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He received both the MEng and PhD degrees from Imperial College London, UK, in 2008 and 2013, respectively. 

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  • 2020-9-3

    First Place Award for outstanding achievements in The Battle of the Leakage Detection and Isolation Methods (BattleDIM) 2020

    The Battle of the Leakage Detection and Isolation Methods (BattLeDIM), organized as part of the 2nd International CCWI/WDSA Joint Conference in Beijing, China (http://www.ccwi-wdsa2020.com/), aims at objectively comparing the performance of methods for the detection and localization of leakage events, relying on SCADA measurements of flow and pressure sensors installed within water distribution networks. Participants may use different types of tools and methods, including (but not limited to) engineering judgement, machine learning, statistical methods, signal processing, and model-based fault diagnosis approaches.

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