A. (Ali) Amiri

A. (Ali) Amiri


LinkedIn profile:  Ali Amiri
An enthusiast of CFD. I'm currently pursuing a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering at TU Delft. I am working on a topic about "vascular stenosis." Stenotic valves and vessels frequently cause abnormalities in the blood flow within the cardiovascular system, often leading to turbulent flow and pathological pressure drops. These pressure drops increase the heart workload and cause cardiovascular complications and mortality. Therefore, they serve as crucial indicators of stenosis severity within the cardiovascular system. This project aims to explore ways to enhance non-invasive pressure gradient estimations through a combined approach involving advanced experiments (4D-Flow MRI) and computational (CFD) techniques.

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Research interests

  • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
  • Turbulent Flows
  • Large eddy simulation (LES)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • 4D-Flow MRI
  • Deep learning (DL)
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