
Russian oil conspiracies, The blackout myth and Governance through fear

18 November 2022 16:00 till 17:00 - Location: Zoom - By: Social Innovation in the Energy Transition | Add to my calendar


Robust energy infrastructures are an essential part of the energy transition. They must ensure that the right type of energy is present at the right location, at the right time and that they have the right capacity to allow the decarbonisation of energy production and consumption. They are highly path-dependent and complex socio-technical systems, that require many different parties to operate and maintain. They are embedded in complex institutional settings and must fundamentally transform their structure while maintaining an uninterrupted delivery of services. 

The required transition is a so-called wicked problem, where the various involved actors not only have different understandings of the problem and the knowledge or means to tackle it, but where also decisions made over time interact dynamically with the system that they try to change, and the decision-makers cannot afford to be wrong. 

Games are a powerful tool to simulate (part of) these complex systems and support the design of these systems. In the presentation, we elaborate on the power of games for the energy transition and will show several examples of games.

Geertje Bekebrede

Dr.ir. Geertje Bekebrede is assistant professor at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of Delft University of Technology and head of the TU Delft Gamelab. She finished her PhD research in 2010 about the use of serious gaming for understanding complex infrastructure projects. Her doctoral thesis was awarded the special prize of the German Simulation And Gaming Award 2011. Her research topic is the use of simulation gaming for policy making and gaming as research tool. The topics of the games are especially related to complex decision making processes, such as the energy transition and urban planning. She was involved in a large number of research projects using games (EU project City-Zen, Synchrogaming, Port Constructor, Infrarium). Furthermore, she is involved in several evaluation projects of the effects of gaming. Her research is published in different journals and presented at conferences.