
36403 results

A virtual inner voice can help develop social skills

A virtual inner voice can help develop social skills

Social interactions make up a large part of our life, but social skills don’t come naturally to all. You can train them with self-help books…

Undecided citizens are the deciding factor when introducing corona app

Undecided citizens are the deciding factor when introducing corona app

The Dutch have widely varying opinions on the desirability of a tracking and tracing corona app

Seven proposals awarded in first round of Seed Funding

Seven proposals awarded in first round of Seed Funding

The TU Delft Safety & Security Institute has awarded seven proposals with its new Seed Funding scheme. This funding scheme supports…

Say goodbye to chalk!

Say goodbye to chalk!

TU Delft’s lecture halls are getting an upgrade. More and more of them are being equipped with digital boards. “We have to prepare for the…

The magic of YES!Delft

The magic of  YES!Delft

YES!Delft, one of the five best university incubators in the world, is just a stone’s throw away from campus. So, what makes it so special?…

How do you get funding?

How do you  get funding?

A good idea alone won’t give you a successful company. You also need money. So, where do you get it from? Three start-ups give advice.

Learning entrepreneurship

Learning entrepreneurship

Engineers don’t always make natural entrepreneurs. They focus too much on the technology and not enough on the customer.

A boost of €4,1M for joint proton therapy research TU Delft, Erasmus MC and LUMC

A boost of €4,1M for joint proton therapy research TU Delft, Erasmus MC and LUMC

The next round of funding has been awarded to 13 researchers within the HollandPTC R&D consortium.

Two NWO KIEM grants for Industrial Design Engineering

Researchers of the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (TU Delft) recently obtained two KIEM grants.

Yuli Nazarov receives Humboldt Research Award

Yuli Nazarov receives Humboldt Research Award

The Humboldt Foundation has elected Professor Yuli Nazarov as the recipient of a Humboldt Research Award. Each year, the foundation grants…