
36380 results

Career opportunities CSE

If you come from TU Delft, you can do more than just programming. After all, you have learned to analyse problems and to delve into the…

Master's programmes CSE

After completing your Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering, you can directly progress to one of the Master's programmes in…

Application process Computer Science & Engineering

The first step is to apply via Studielink before 15 January. You are only officially enrolled once you have met the admission requirements…

Koen du Buf

I have always been very interested in computers and everything associated with them. I went back and forward between computer studies and…

After studying CSE

Are you curious about the specific career paths you can follow after this bachelor? On this page, you will find an overview of the various…

Student experiences CSE

Are you curious about the experiences of Computer Science and Engineering students? Contact them and ask them all you want to know. Chat…

About us

The Transport & Mobility Institute is a new TU Delft research institute dedicated to advancing sustainable, inclusive, and resilient…

N. Valle Marchante

A. (Amanda) Hagman

M.A.A. (Mostafa) Atalla