
36379 results

Vicente Blanes Carpio

The project consists of a modular construction system and a distribution logic to address the need of quick and efficient emergency…

Sophie van Hattum

Often ETC’s are rapidly constructed when and where necessary, regularly leading to misunderstandings within the local community. Brick…

Jesse Bakker

A COVID-19 treatment center for deployment in the remote areas of the Congo Basin. The design features traditional tropical architecture…

Online exhibitions

[Column] Where's the technologist?

[Column] Where's the technologist?

When it became clear in late February that the coronavirus had also reached the Netherlands, our lives quickly changed. Just days later we…

Arjan Houtepen appointed as full professor

Arjan Houtepen appointed as full professor

The executive board has decided to appoint Arjan Houtepen (Chemical Engineering) as full professor.

Year of the Lecturer 2020: a unique way to say ‘Thank you!’

Year of the Lecturer 2020: a unique way to say ‘Thank you!’

Because of the special period in recent months all TU Delft Lecturers have been put in the spotlight by the students.

Virtual Coffee&Connect meetings

In April we started to offer our community the possibility to connect and share experiences about living and working in a 1.5 meter society.…

‘I’m a child of TU Delft’

‘I’m a child of TU Delft’

Her designs include Mekel Park and the campus library. TU Delft owes its appearance in no small measure to the architect Francine Houben,…

Will the first Martians be robots?

Will the first Martians be robots?

Start by sending a swarm of robots to Mars to prepare the way for human pioneers. This was the plan that took Henriette Bier and Roland…