
36368 results

Leon van der Graaff and Sjoerd Stallinga have published a paper on Computational imaging modalities for multi-focal whole-slide imaging systems in Applied Optics

Leon van der Graaff and Sjoerd Stallinga have published a paper on Computational imaging modalities for multi-focal whole-slide imaging systems in Applied Optics

This research was carried out in cooperation with pathologists from Erasmus MC and Leiden University MC, and reports on new ways to image…

Help from an unexpected quarter: geosciences data techniques can help predict corona spread

Help from an unexpected quarter: geosciences data techniques can help predict corona spread

An international team of scientists is studying the possibility of using data assimilation, a data technique from geosciences, to predict…

Introduction TPM Energy Transition Lab

Introduction TPM Energy Transition Lab

We are proud to introduce the TPM Energy Transition Lab.

Sophie de Roda Husman (with the supervision of Paco López-Dekker and Stef Lhermitte) on ESA about river ice jams

Sophie de Roda Husman (with the supervision of Paco López-Dekker and Stef Lhermitte) on ESA about river ice jams

Sophie de Roda Husman is appeared on the ESA website with a piece she has worked on as part of her MSc thesis with Deltares.

Achim Menges

Achim Menges

From April 2020, the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment welcomes Achim Menges as visiting professor. Menges is the founding…

What do the relaxations of the measures mean for X?

Last Wednesday evening, the Dutch government announced relaxations of the measures as of 1 July. What does this mean for X? The number of…

Media Attention

Open menu Staff Open menu Dr. S.E. (Sander) Vos Media Attention Article magazine: Land en Water (December 2019) Bollenstreek weekendkrant…

AiTech paper "Improving Confidence in the Estimation of Values and Norms" presented at the COINE Workshop @AAMAS 2020

AiTech paper "Improving Confidence in the Estimation of Values and Norms" presented at the COINE Workshop @AAMAS 2020

AiTech’s postdoc Luciano Cavalcante Siebert presented the paper entitled “Improving Confidence in the Estimation of Values and Norms” on May…

X subscriptions extended until 1 September

All X subscriptions that were previously extended until the end of June due to the corona crisis, will be renewed once again for a two-month…



Changing inter-organizational collaborative behaviour in circular construction projects