
36416 results

Engineering Human Security

Engineering Human Security

We face exacerbating climate change. Excessive precipitation and heat waves will become more frequent in the coming decades. These could…

Profile of a Safety and Security Researcher: Zeki Erkin

Profile of a Safety and Security Researcher: Zeki Erkin

During his Bachelor’s and Master’s at the Istanbul University of Technology, Zeki Erkin did what he loved most, in his own words, he was…

Safety & Security in a Changing World

Safety & Security in a Changing World

Based on community sessions, talks with researchers and stakeholders, and the anniversary magazine, new focal areas have been developed for…

DesignScapes: Design-enabled innovation to tackle urban challenges

DesignScapes: Design-enabled innovation to tackle urban challenges

The European project DESIGNSCAPES officially started last summer, with a celebratory launch in Brussels. Associate Professor Ingrid Mulder…

'Medical consultations should be like a symphony orchestra'

'Medical consultations should be like a symphony orchestra'

It took IDE alumnus Jesse Beem some time to get used to being the only Delft engineer among the doctors and medical researchers at VU…

Passengers at the centre for enhancing flight experience

Passengers at the centre for enhancing flight experience

Summer has started, and so has the holiday season. The further away the better, seems to be the motto nowadays. As a result, increasingly…

'Internet of Things is all about valuable data'

'Internet of Things is all about valuable data'

As professor Internet of Things at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Gerd Kortuem specialises in the interaction between humans…

Innovating innovation

Innovating innovation

What exactly is innovation, and how do you innovate an innovation process? These fundamental questions have occupied associate professor…

A firm foundation for designing for positive moods

A firm foundation for designing for positive moods

Despite all good intentions, the influence that design has on our moods remains a great scientific mystery. Yet our moods have a significant…

Floor plans

Basement Ground Floor 1st floor 2nd floor 3rd floor 4th floor Basement Ground Floor 1st floor 2nd floor 3rd floor 4th floor