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Tentative Programme (in preparation, can be modified by the organizers) The 24 th EJSW will not only offer junior scientist an opportunity…

Location and travel

23 rd EJSW: Monitoring urban drainage systems 15 - 20 May 2017 in Chichilianne, France Venue The Workshop will be held at the Gîte du Mont…


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Call for abstract and contact

23 rd EJSW: Monitoring urban drainage systems 15 - 20 May 2017 in Chichilianne, France Calls for Abstracts Extended (4 pages max.) abstracts…

Improving groundwater management by applying mediation techniques

In March 2009 the 5th World Water Forum called for ‘out of the box’ approaches and appropriate solutions for transboundary water management.…


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Projects Fundamental AI Robust machine learning and uncertainty quantification Principled uncertainty estimation of the predictions of a…


HERALD Lab Human-aware robust AI for automated driving The advent of autonomous vehicles is one of the most anticipated technological…