
36388 results

B. (Bart) Knuvers

S. Pande


EWI Mekelweg 4 015 27 83182 LR Kluyverweg 1 015 27 82068 TNW - Lorentzweg Lorentzweg 1 015 27 87983 TNW - Zuid Mekelweg 15 015 27 83016 CiTG…

What will you learn during the CSE programme?

You will learn how computers, networks and embedded systems work. You will study algorithms, addressing questions as: what is arithmetic,…

Frequently asked questions

Admission How do I apply? Register before May 1 through Studielink . You will then receive an invitation for the mandatory SKC. Dutch…

BSc Electrical Engineering

BSc Electrical Engineering

A solar panel, a robot or an implant to help one hear again: without Electrical Engineering these things could not have been designed. This…

Mandatory matching EE

De bacheloropleiding Maritieme Techniek vindt het belangrijk dat je voor je start van je studie ervaart hoe het is om deze studie te doen,…

Georgina Lupu

My name is Georgiana-Adina Lupu, I am a 19 year old Romanian and I am a 1 st year Computer Science and Engineering student. How I got to…

Study choice

Online trial courses Are you seriously considering starting the BSc. Computer Science & Engineering programme? Then go ahead and follow the…

Study Choice & Information

Thank you for your interest in our MSc programme! We would like to help you with your MSc choice. On this page you can find the details and…