
36388 results

The Road to Schistoscope

The Road to Schistoscope

For half a year, a team of six dedicated students worked endlessly on solving the problems around diagnosing Schistosomiasis in Nigeria. The…

Dear Plastic,

Dear Plastic,

Although my professors would prefer me to call you by your specific polymer name, I will keep calling you ‘plastic’ on an informal basis.…

These shoes are made for falling

These shoes are made for falling

…And that’s just what they do. No, it’s not a bad cover version of Nancy Sinatra’s sixties hit. It’s the conclusion of researchers at…

Design for a circular economy

Design for a circular economy

How do you keep a product that has minimum impact on the environment but high economic value in circulation for as long as possible? For…

Positive Artificial Intelligence vibes

Positive Artificial Intelligence vibes

Willem van der Maden recently started his PhD position at Industrial Design Engineering (TU Delft), focusing on ‘Positive AI’. We caught up…

‘Service design without technology is no longer an option’

‘Service design without technology is no longer an option’

Dirk Snelders is professor of Organising Product and Service Development. At IDE his research focuses primarily on the future of service…

The role of designers within social robotics

The role of designers within social robotics

Robotics has been a hot topic for a few years now, especially social robotics. As part of her Honours Programme Master project, SPD student…

FOCUS: 25 students designing for Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

FOCUS: 25 students designing for Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

FOCUS: 25 students designing for Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Welcome to the website of our temporary exhibition ‘FOCUS: 25 students designing for…

Made of Minerals

Made of Minerals

Made of Minerals, from stone to supermarket Welcome to the website of our temporary exhibition Made of Minerals. From 27 January onwards,…

Ambulance Drone

Ambulance Drone

The first minutes after an accident are critical and essential to provide the right care to prevent escalation. Speeding up emergency…