
36379 results

Best Graduates 2019

Freya Spencer-Wood - BK Azqa Nadeem - EEMCS Chris van Bergen - TPM Djonno Bresser - CEG Dasha Simons - IDE Marta Pita Vidal - AS Jonah Poort…

Chris van Bergen

Chris van Bergen

Chris excels both in qualitative and quantitative aspect of empirical research, which is rarely observed for Master thesis students. And she…

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The Delft University Fund is a foundation with ANBI status (organisation serving the public interest). This means that donations made to the…


An interview with Ena Voûte, Dean of the faculty of IDE

DEWIS is interviewing academics at TU Delft to talk about diversity at work, women and academic leadership and inclusive, safe working…

Juan Manuel Durán and Martin Sand awarded Fellowships at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study

Juan Manuel Durán and Martin Sand awarded Fellowships at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study

Juan Manuel Durán and Martin Sand have been selected for a stay at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social…

Fraud & Plagiarism

Fraud. Information for students of the faculty of EEMCS A student is having difficulty getting a compulsory project off the ground. In…