
36162 results

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I personalize my timetable? Log on to On the right of the screen, you find a list of all timetables…

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I personalize my timetable? Log on to On the right of the screen, you find a list of all timetables…

Available MSc/BSc projects

Available MSc/BSc Projects The projects below are currently available for TU Delft students: Bachelor/Master end projects (BEP/MEP)…

Pouyan Boukany Group

Boukany group The Boukany research group focuses on fundamental and applied topics in soft living matter, with a major emphasis on…

MSc Design for Interaction

MSc Design for Interaction

What product or service can we design so children feel less isolated during their cancer treatment? How could a design approach help…

MSc Integrated Product Design

MSc Integrated Product Design

How can we design products and services that benefit individuals, organisations, and the planet? How can designers transform products into…

MSc Strategic Product Design

MSc Strategic Product Design

How can entrepreneurs, health professionals and governments work together to design interventions that promote healthy lifestyles? What does…

2024-04-18 | Service design & user research in zorgtechnologie, Tinybots

Tessa is een zorgassistent die de zorg inzet om mensen met dementie zelfredzamer te maken. Meer dan 100 zorgaanbieders zetten Tessa al in…

2024-07-02 | Countering street harassment together, involving youth in the prevention of street harassment, TU Delft, TU Delft & Erasmus MC & Erasmus University

In the context of the Healthy Start programme, a collaboration between Delft University of Technology, Erasmus University Rotterdam and…

2024-06-26 | Internship Concept & Design Intern for LEGO Education (LEGO, Billund/Denmark)

The LEGO Education Design team consists of highly skilled people across various functions such as Industrial Design, Digital Design, UX and…