
36076 results

Margreet Docter

Connect with... Margreet Docter Impact @TU Delft | PURE | IDEE Community | SUTQ Community Contact me if you'd like your teaching assistants…

2024-07-09 | The end of the consumer experience for electronics, INCREACE Partners for Innovation & Philips

The product at the heart of this graduation assignment is the Philips’ Sonicare toothbrush. The goal of this assignment is to design a…

2024-07-09 | Social acceptance of waste based bio-composites, AMS institute / TU Delft

We would like you to investigate the social acceptance of bio-composites from PHBV. PHBV is a biobased plastic made by bacteria from…

2024-07-09 | Improving patient engagement, Reinier de Graaf Hospital & TU Delft

In this project, we aim to fulfill the needs of patients during the “black hole” during the transition from hospital to rehabilitation after…

M. (Martin) Lesueur

J.A. (Juan) Hernandez-Tamames