
36419 results

CyberSecurity@TUDelft special event on H2020/European Funding

On March 22 CyberSecurity@TUDelft organized a special event on H2020/European Funding. Fifteen researchers, representatives from industry…

The 11th edition of IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security took place at Science Center between December 9 and 12

The 11th edition of IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security took place at Science Center between December 9 and 12

TU Delft Cyber Security research exchange with NTU

With the support of the Justus & Louise van Effen Research Grant , Daan van der Valk will do a three-months research internship at the…

Cyber Security Webinar by Dr. Giovanni Apruzzese – Some pragmatic relationships between Machine Learning and Cybersecurity

In this talk, I will discuss two recent research efforts that will be presented in the next weeks at IEEE SPW DLS, and IEEE EuroSP.

Water for all

Water for all

TU Delft Water for Impact is about valuing water. Water is a basic human right and should be available to all. Water for food, water for…

High Voltage Technologies

High Voltage Technologies

High Voltage Technologies group The High Voltage Technologies (HVT) group is responsible for research and education in the fields of High…

Donation Water for all

Donation Water for all

Delft University Fund supports pioneering research with great social impact. With your support you help civil engineers to find a concrete…

Support Basic Operation Theatre

One-time donation Recurring donation One-time donation

Michel van Eeten in Financieele Dagblad over cybersecuritytrainingen

Michel van Eeten in Financieele Dagblad over cybersecuritytrainingen

Een training cyberveiligheid is bij veel grote organisaties al vaste prik. Hoeveel nut hebben zulke bewustwordingsprogramma’s? Michel van…

Georgios Smaragdakis bij RTL Nieuws over cybersecurity bij energietransitie

Onlangs kon een ethisch hacker zonder problemen duizenden omvormers van zonnepanelen hacken. Georgios Smaragdakis vertelt bij RTL Nieuws…