
36377 results

Three job openings for the new Centre for Safety in Healthcare

The new Centre for Safety in Healthcare has three job openings available at the moment: one for an Assistant Professor (a Tenure Track…

The Future Ground: Planning cities for an uncertain future

The Future Ground: Planning cities for an uncertain future

It is estimated that some 5.5 billion people will live in highly vulnerable climate regions by 2050. However, cities are grappling with ways…

Blog 3: One meter of sea level rise: 2.6 million additional Dutch people living below sea level

"We hebben een probleem in België: we weten niet wat regen is. Kan je helpen?" De radio-verslaggever weet wel hoe zij mijn interesse te…

Blog 2: Challenges in South East Asia

How was your vacation? Is the most asked question when I return from Asia after weeks hard of work. When I returned from my last trip two…

Blog 3: One meter of sea level rise: 2.6 million additional Dutch people living below sea level

When global sea levels rise with 1 meter, the number of Dutch people living below sea level will increase from 3.93 million to 6.57 million,…

Optimal Management of Groundwater Resources of Coastal Aquifers

Groundwater aquifers are an important resource in coastal zones. In coastal areas that are densely populated or have been industrialized,…

Support by Family Foundation "Van Kuffeler"

Chair Water Resources Management In 2004, the chair of Water Resources Management was established. Chair holder is professor Van de Giesen…

Trans African Hydro Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO)

Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory Monitoring Africa's environment is an important challenge if the continent's resources are to…

Soil moisture estimation using Distributed Temperature Sensing

Soil moisture is a key state variable in surface hydrology and land-atmosphere interactions. It is a storage term in the water balance,…

Modeling irrigation in ancient Americas

Ancient irrigation has had its fair share of studies, particularly on canals on the Peruvian North coast. Despite this valuable research,…