Research News

991 results

01 June 2021

A look at an accessible and inclusive 3mE bachelor environment

A look at an accessible and inclusive 3mE bachelor environment

All students should feel at home in the programme and feel challenged and free to develop their talents. To learn more about the potentially unconscious yet undesirable dynamics of inclusion and exclusion, 3mE is conducting a survey asking bachelor students about their perception of inclusion and diversity and their sense of belonging to the faculty.

31 May 2021

Underwater robot does not need help on the ocean floor

Underwater robot does not need help on the ocean floor

Robots can perform jobs underwater that are too complex or dangerous for humans. That is, if they can manage on their own, because no one can help them down there. The REMARO project works on its control systems and trains PhD students in programming work.

21 May 2021

Researchers in Delft and Eindhoven argue in Science for more ventilation to combat COVID-19

An international group of 39 scientists have published an article in Science arguing for more use of ventilation to combat COVID-19. However, they want to use their argument far more broadly than just the current pandemic, and to combat the spread of all respiratory infections by changing building designs. Philomena Bluyssen from TU Delft and Marcel Loomans from TU Eindhoven are two of the authors. The article was published on Thursday 13 May.

21 May 2021

Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center openend

Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center openend

The Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center (PDPC) was officially opened on Friday May 21 at Erasmus MC. Researchers at the PDPC study future virus outbreaks and disasters to be better prepared.

18 May 2021

Cooperation PBL

18 May 2021

TU Delft and Volvo collaborating on Prognostics for new generation of trucks

TU Delft and Volvo collaborating on Prognostics for new generation of trucks

Now it is time for trucks to join the transition to zero emission, and uptime is key to make this a success. In a new research project with the Volvo Group, Riccardo Ferrari of the Delft Centre for Systems and Control is looking to improve service life through predictive analytics.

18 May 2021

‘Cohesion researchers’ unravel the mystery of hydrogen effects on materials

‘Cohesion researchers’ unravel the mystery of hydrogen effects on materials

Steel pipelines can become brittle due to hydrogen and can therefore break. Fascinated by this urgent problem, Carey Walters (MTT), Othon Moultos (P&E) and Poulumi Dey (MSE) joined forces and turned to the cohesion programme to work on this together.

17 May 2021

TU Delft develops helpful cost guidelines for carbon capture

TU Delft develops helpful cost guidelines for carbon capture

Het afvangen en opslaan van CO2 is een van de vele technologieën die nodig zijn om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. De technologie is beschikbaar en wordt al in diverse projecten toegepast, maar nog niet op wereldwijde schaal toegepast. Het gebrek aan kennis over de kosten van CO2-afvang en -opslag (CCS) kan ertoe leiden dat investeerders zich terugtrekken. Een wereldwijd consortium van twaalf onderzoekers op het gebied van CCS, onder leiding van Andrea Ramirez van de TU Delft, heeft samengewerkt aan een uitgebreide whitepaper. Het whitepaper helpt te begrijpen hoe de kosten van projecten voor CO2-afvang en -opslag correct kunnen worden geraamd.

11 May 2021

Serge Hoogendoorn new member KNAW

Serge Hoogendoorn new member KNAW

Serge Hoogendoorn will be installed as a KNAW member on September 13. The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has elected twenty-three new members, including three from abroad. Members of the KNAW, leading scientists from all disciplines, are elected on the basis of their scientific achievements. The KNAW has approximately five hundred and fifty members. Membership is for life.

10 May 2021

A little walk can make ridesharing a lot more efficient

A little walk can make ridesharing a lot more efficient

Ridesharing can benefit from using pick-up and drop-off points and asking users to walk a small distance. Researchers at TU Delft have analyzed this by using a real dataset of 10.000 Manhattan taxi trips. They have published their results online in Transportation Research Part C.

30 April 2021

Arthur Weber in de Volkskrant over de 'zonne-oorlog' waarom Europa zijn eigen zonnepanelen moet gaan produceren

Arthur Weber in de Volkskrant over de 'zonne-oorlog' waarom Europa zijn eigen zonnepanelen moet gaan produceren

30 April 2021

TU Delft starts ‘Wind Farm Flow Control Project’

TU Delft starts ‘Wind Farm Flow Control Project’

Together with CrossWindHKN Siemens Gamesa Eneco GROW offshore wind a group of researchers led by professor Jan-Willem Van Wingerden TU Delft have started the work on the "Dynamic Wind Farm Flow Control" project. This project focuses on reducing the wake effect by using real-time data that will contribute to a more constant electricity production.

22 April 2021

Wetenschapcommunicatie door wetenschappers: Gewaardeerd

Wetenschapcommunicatie door wetenschappers: Gewaardeerd

Today the first awards were announced from the pilot fund Science Communication by Scientists Appreciated! Despite the great importance of interaction between science and society, science communication is still far from being recognized as a fully-fledged part of a scientific task package. The Pilot Fund Scientific Communication by Scientists: Valued! - instituted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and implemented by the KNAW, is a step in the direction of making visible and rewarding the large group of scientists who are structurally committed to science communication.

22 April 2021

ERC Advanced Grant for smarter control of energy and transportation networks

ERC Advanced Grant for smarter control of energy and transportation networks

In the future, we will see an increasing number of smart transportation and energy networks. However, online control of these large and complex networks is still far from optimal. Researcher Bart De Schutter has received a EUR 2.5 million ERC Advanced Grant from the European Union to tackle this problem over the next five years.

22 April 2021

Girls’ Day 2021: primary school introduced to BioMechanical Engineering

Girls’ Day 2021: primary school introduced to BioMechanical Engineering

An operating robot inspired by the strength and movements of an animal. And an extremely strong human bone, the largest part of which resembles a sponge. During Girls’ Day 2021, Aimée Sakes and Eline Kolken (assistant professor and PhD student in BioMechanical Engineering) introduced pupils from the ages of 10 to 12 to the world of BioMechanical Engineering.