Research News

991 results

13 May 2024

Exposing children from neighbourhoods with socio-economic disadvantages to STEM education and vocational paths

Exposing children from neighbourhoods with socio-economic disadvantages to STEM education and vocational paths

In a dynamic collaboration between academia and young minds, 12 enthusiastic children from a school in Delft recently embarked on an enriching journey into the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). This event was part of the project “Bliksemstage” of JINC organisation.

08 May 2024

Disorder improves battery life

Disorder improves battery life

What determines the cycle life of batteries? And, more importantly, how can we extend it? An international research team led by TU Delft has discovered that local disorder in the oxide cathode material increases the number of times Li-ion batteries can be charged and discharged. Their results have been published in Nature.

08 May 2024

Interview H2 Platform

Interview H2 Platform

07 May 2024

Scale model with distributed electric propulsion makes its maiden flight

Scale model with distributed electric propulsion makes its maiden flight

On the 2nd of May 2024, a scaled version of a large passenger aircraft with distributed electric propulsion undertook its maiden flight. Further testing will follow to qualify and measure its dynamic flying behaviour, aimed at understanding the advantages of this Distributed Electric Propulsion technology for large passenger aircraft.

03 May 2024

Doing laundry when it is sunny is more complicated than expected

Doing laundry when it is sunny is more complicated than expected

Did your grandmother also do the laundry when a sunny day was forecast? Now that so many households have solar panels and the electricity network is experiencing problems due to overload at peak times, it would also be better if households with solar panels run appliances such as the washing machine on sunny days.

03 May 2024

TU Delft brings hopeful story on critical raw materials

TU Delft brings hopeful story on critical raw materials

01 May 2024

Decommissioning and recycling offshore power cables

Decommissioning and recycling offshore power cables

29 April 2024

Milestone for TU Delft OPEN Publishing with 100th book release

Milestone for TU Delft OPEN Publishing with 100th book release

26 April 2024

Platforms such as Uber thrive on socio-economic inequality

Platforms such as Uber thrive on socio-economic inequality

Platforms that offer rides to passengers, such as Uber and DiDi, thrive on socio-economic inequality. By modelling the behaviour of passengers and self-employed drivers, researchers of TU Delft simulated the market for ridesourcing platforms, evaluating a broad spectrum of (in)equality levels in societies. It explains why in some cities ridesourcing services can be big players in the mobility system, while in other cities they don’t get off the ground. This research was published in Nature Scientific Reports recently. 

26 April 2024

Royal honour for professor DirkJan Veeger

Royal honour for professor DirkJan Veeger

Professor in the Department of Biomechanical Engineering, DirkJan Veeger, was appointed Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau on 26 April. He receives this distinction for his exceptional achievements and contributions within science and society.

26 April 2024

Five Royal Honours at TU Delft

Five Royal Honours at TU Delft

Professors Paul Althuis, Frances Brazier, DirkJan Veeger, Sabine Roeser and Serge Hoogendoorn all received royal honours on 26 April 2024.

26 April 2024

Measuring 1 million snowflakes for better weather forecasts

Measuring 1 million snowflakes for better weather forecasts

Taking the ski lift to work. That's not something many people can say. For postdoc and TU Delft alumnus Koen Muller, this has been a reality for almost 1 year. Next to a ski slope near Davos, he is building a unique measurement setup with which he wants to collect data on snowstorms to gain more insight into the interaction of snowflake aggregation and atmospheric turbulence.

25 April 2024

Rob Mudde to step down after the summer

Rob Mudde to step down after the summer

Professor Rob Mudde will step down from the Executive Board of TU Delft next autumn. He has been a board member since 1 March 2018, as Vice President and Vice Rector Magnificus/Vice President Education (VRM/VPE).

25 April 2024

Grossi emphasises the need of engineers during a visit at TU Delft

Grossi emphasises the need of engineers during a visit at TU Delft

At Wednesday 24th of April TU Delft hosted a meeting for Director General Rafael Grossi of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), students and others interested in the nuclear sector.

23 April 2024

Rubicon grants for Emiel Kruisdijk and Koen Muller

Rubicon grants for Emiel Kruisdijk and Koen Muller