Research News

991 results

05 September 2022

Kick-off TU Delft Battery Platform

Kick-off TU Delft Battery Platform

Join TU Delft’s Battery Platform, connecting researchers in battery-related disciplines ranging from mining, engineering, chemistry, designing, implementing, and recycling to related social aspects. The Battery Platform aims to strengthen TU Delft’s position in this field, both in the Netherlands and beyond.

01 September 2022

Alfred Schouten appointed professor of System Identification for Human Motion Control

Alfred Schouten appointed professor of System Identification for Human Motion Control

Alfred Schouten has been appointed professor of System Identification for Human Motion Control in the Department of BioMechanical Engineering. Alfred Schouten’s research focuses on the development of methods and applications for identifying and understanding neuromuscular control. He does this in both healthy people and people with neurological disorders.

30 August 2022

Gabriel Weymouth appointed professor of Ship Hydromechanics

Gabriel Weymouth appointed professor of Ship Hydromechanics

Gabriel Weymouth has been appointed Professor of Ship Hydromechanics at the department of Maritime and Transport Technology as of 1st of September. Weymouth's research focuses on the development of fast, accurate, and robust computational fluid dynamic predictions and application of those techniques to the marine and maritime environment.

26 August 2022

Quantum heat pump: a new measuring tool for physicists

Quantum heat pump: a new measuring tool for physicists

Physicists from TU Delft, ETH Zürich and the University of Tübingen have built a quantum scale heat pump made from particles of light. This device brings scientists closer to the quantum limit of measuring radio frequency signals, useful in for example the hunt for dark matter.

22 August 2022

Measurement campaign maps GHG emissions and air pollution in Rotterdam

Measurement campaign maps GHG emissions and air pollution in Rotterdam

Scientists from TU Delft, together with scientist from other research institutions, will investigate how the reduction of urban greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution can best be monitored with atmospheric measurements. Monday, August 22, the measurement campaign will start in the Rotterdam region. TU Delft is using mobile rader equipment to measure urban emissions.

15 August 2022

TU Delft iGEM team aims to develop sensor to detect GHB in drinks

TU Delft iGEM team aims to develop sensor to detect GHB in drinks

Someone may slip drugs into your drink without you noticing, after which you may not be able to think clearly. However, this kind of drugging can almost never be proven, because GHB disappears from the blood within 3 hours. The iGEM student team at TU Delft is working on a fast sensor to detect GHB in drinks. This will alert the user and provide evidence of drugging. 

04 August 2022

TU Delft researchers create flow-driven rotors at the nanoscale

TU Delft researchers create flow-driven rotors at the nanoscale

Onderzoekers van de TU Delft hebben de kleinste door stroming gedreven motoren ter wereld ontwikkeld. Geïnspireerd door de iconische Nederlandse windmolens en door biologische motoreiwitten hebben ze een zichzelf configurerende, stromingsgedreven turbine uit DNA gemaakt, die energie van een elektrische of zoutgradiënt omzet in bruikbaar mechanisch vermogen. De resultaten bieden perspectief voor de ontwikkeling van actieve robotica op nanoschaal. Het artikel is vandaag gepubliceerd in Nature Physics.

18 July 2022

Welcome @FLEXINet

Welcome @FLEXINet

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has allocated 5.7 million euro to FLEXINet. In the upcoming years, the FLEXINet consortium will develop hybrid energy storage systems – capable of storing both heat and electricity. Pavol Bauer, professor at TU Delft and project leader and coordinator: ‘The aim of FLEXINet is a system that accelerates the energy transition. We hope to make a substantial contribution to reaching climate targets by cleverly combining various techniques – think of blending recycled batteries with flexible heat pumps and the charging of electric cars.’

14 July 2022

Dekker scholarship for MRI research Sebastian Weingärtner

Dekker scholarship for MRI research Sebastian Weingärtner

De Hartstichting heeft onderzoeker dr. Sebastian Weingärtner van de TU Delft een Dekkerbeurs toegekend. Dat is een persoonlijke onderzoeksbeurs voor getalenteerde wetenschappers die jaarlijks wordt toegekend. Met de beurs van 490.000 euro kan hij de komende jaren onderzoek doen naar hart- en vaatziekten.

13 July 2022

Tackling the Electricity Grid Congestions in Amsterdam

Tackling the Electricity Grid Congestions in Amsterdam

Our energy network, from high voltage to low voltage, is becoming increasingly complex. Economic and demographic growth requires more and more connections, while the energy transition makes those connections more demanding: houses need more electricity, but sometimes also deliver current back with solar panels. The result is an energy network that threatens to become completely congested in some places. Take the Buiksloterham neighbourhood in Amsterdam, for example. There, the medium-voltage network can no longer cope with growth, while local industry wants to expand and homes want to become more sustainable.

13 July 2022

Delft students ready for international hyperloop competition

Delft students ready for international hyperloop competition

On 18 July Delft will host the 'European Hyperloop Week', the international hyperloop competition for student teams from around the world.

12 July 2022

'Het wordt heet onder onze voeten' - Delft Matters Magazine

'Het wordt heet onder onze voeten' - Delft Matters Magazine

Mochten de huidige middelen om klimaatverandering af te remmen falen, is climate engineering dan de oplossing? Eurocommissaris Frans Timmersmans sprak met wolkenprofessor Herman Russchenberg, die meer aandacht wil voor onderzoek naar technieken om de aarde af te koelen.

12 July 2022

Energy Challenge Event

Energy Challenge Event

Thursday June 9th, during the Energy Challenge Event, the students took over the campus and it was all about the energy transition. On that day students from all faculties showed how they have contributed to accelerating the energy transition. A jury assessed all contributions and awarded pirzes for the best, funniers, most innovative and most creative examples.

12 July 2022

Finnish ‘sand battery’ can store energy for months

Finnish ‘sand battery’ can store energy for months

Finnish researchers have presented the world's first sand battery. The battery can store solar and wind energy for months. Is this the solution to balancing the power grid?

08 July 2022

Convergence brings together investment of 60 million for future-proof healthcare

Convergence brings together investment of 60 million for future-proof healthcare

Tien Flagship projecten van de Convergence, de strategische samenwerking van de TU Delft, het Erasmus MC en de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam gaan onderzoek doen gericht op het toekomstbestendig maken van de gezondheidszorg. De Flagships ontvangen bij elkaar 20 miljoen euro van het Convergence Health & Tech programma. Samenwerking met publieke en private partijen voegt daar nog eens ruim 40 miljoen aan toe.