Research News

991 results

02 November 2022

BNR Nieuwsradio: Wat als we alle wegen ondergronds maken?

BNR Nieuwsradio: Wat als we alle wegen ondergronds maken?

01 November 2022

A 100 million euro investment to make TU Delft Campus more sustainable

A 100 million euro investment to make TU Delft Campus more sustainable

TU Delft is going to invest substantially in making its campus more sustainable. TU Delft is thus putting its previously published Sustainable TU Delft - vision, ambition & action plan into practice. Over the next few years, TU Delft will work towards a CO2-neutral, circular and climate-adaptive campus, with a focus on improving biodiversity and quality of life.

30 October 2022

TU Delft campus full of marveled faces

TU Delft campus full of marveled faces

TU Delft opened its doors to families last Sunday for the annual free Science Day, organized by the TU Delft Science Centre. More than 3.000 visitors, young and old, came to meet TU Delft, startups, foundations and other local organizations this weekend.

20 October 2022

Emission-free and circular shipping by improving the use of different battery systems

Emission-free and circular shipping by improving the use of different battery systems

The maritime sector needs batteries for the transition to zero-emission shipping. Different ships with different operational profiles may require different batteries. The NWO Executive Board has awarded funding to two research projects of maritime researchers Henk Polinder and Andrea Coraddu. Both will focus on improving the use of different battery systems. The awards involve a sum of 4.2 million euros.

04 October 2022

Energy transition requires careful decision on nuclear power plants

Energy transition requires careful decision on nuclear power plants

The Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli) expects to see a debate in politics and society on the design of the energy system of the future and the possible role of nuclear energy in it in the coming years. Decisions on this must be made carefully and be future-proof, otherwise meeting the 2050 climate targets will be jeopardised.

03 October 2022

Five future strategies for the Dutch delta in 2120

Five future strategies for the Dutch delta in 2120

30 September 2022

Drivers of automated vehicles are blamed for crashes that they cannot reasonably avoid

Drivers of automated vehicles are blamed for crashes that they cannot reasonably avoid

27 September 2022

Open Technology award for large-scale electrolysers

Open Technology award for large-scale electrolysers

NWO has awarded funding to six technology-science research projects from the Open Technology Programme. One of these is the e-HEAT project by researchers Jurriaan Peeters, Ruud Kortlever and Lorenzo Botto from the Process & Energy Department. In this project they are working on the development of large-scale CO2 electrolysers that enable large-scale energy storage on a seasonal time scale possible. The outcomes are expected to also benefit H2O electrolysers and fuel cells.

27 September 2022

Keeping our feet dry with the help of technology, nature and people

Keeping our feet dry with the help of technology, nature and people

The floods that hit Limburg in 2021 showed that despite a raft of measures the Netherlands remains at risk from rising water. Professor of Hydraulic Engineering Bas Jonkman carries out flood risk assessments in this country and abroad and tries to come up with solutions which, apart from dams and dykes, also involve nature and people.

26 September 2022

Why do older adults stand-up differently to young adults?

Why do older adults stand-up differently to young adults?

26 September 2022

Brunel Solar Team wins Sasol Solar Challenge in Africa

Brunel Solar Team wins Sasol Solar Challenge in Africa

The Dutch Brunel Solar Team, consisting of students from TU Delft, has won the solar race in South Africa. The team made the most kilometers with their solar car. Still, it was exciting for the Delft students - right up to the last moment.

19 September 2022

TU Delft opens globally unique wind tunnel

TU Delft opens globally unique wind tunnel

Wind turbines are getting bigger and bigger and the wind speed is never the same on every part of the rotor – the rotating part of a wind turbine. That is why it is important to carry out experiments using non-uniform wind fields: fields in which the wind speed is not the same everywhere. With the opening of TU Delft’s Wind AI Lab – a globally unique wind tunnel – this will become possible.

13 September 2022

Paul Breedveld best lecturer of 2021 - 2022

Paul Breedveld best lecturer of 2021 - 2022

All students at the 3mE faculty were given the opportunity to vote for the best lecturer of 2021-2022. The votes are a token of their appreciation for the unique and creative way in which the lecturers concerned teach. Good lecturers are indispensable for the quality of 3mE’s programmes.

12 September 2022

Riender Happee appointed Professor in Motion Comfort in Automated Driving

Riender Happee appointed Professor in Motion Comfort in Automated Driving

Riender Happee has been appointed Professor in Motion Comfort in Automated Driving at the department of Cognitive Robotics, section Intelligent Vehicles. Happee’s research focuses on motion perception and motion comfort as key factors in the acceptance of vehicle automation.

06 September 2022

Did someone fall down the stairs or were they pushed? NFI and TU Delft are working on a model for complex falls

Did someone fall down the stairs or were they pushed? NFI and TU Delft are working on a model for complex falls

Did a person fall or was he or she pushed? Cases where a deceased person lies at the bottom of the stairs are complex. To aid detection, the NFI is working with TU Delft on a computer model that can simulate human falls.