Research News

991 results

02 June 2020

TU Delft launches first eight TU Delft AI Labs

TU Delft launches first eight TU Delft AI Labs

How can artificial intelligence (AI) accelerate scientific progress? Delft scientists will investigate this question in eight new 'TU Delft AI Labs'.

02 June 2020

Tamás Keviczky appointed full professor Networked Cyber-Physical Systems

Tamás Keviczky appointed full professor Networked Cyber-Physical Systems

Tamás Keviczky appointed full professor Networked Cyber-Physical Systems. Tamás Keviczky joined the Delft Center for Systems and Control in 2007 and has worked there as an associate professor since 2015.

29 May 2020

The real risks of a pandemic

The real risks of a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is a reflection on our society and shows us just how vulnerable we are, despite all the advanced mathematical models that are supposed to make policy- and decision-makers aware of the potential risks associated with a pandemic. ‘Yet,’ write scientists Pasquale Cirillo (TU Delft) and Nassim Nicholas Taleb (New York University) in their recently published paper in Nature Physics, ‘most of these models do not look at the tail risk of infectious diseases, and there is very little questioning of the reliability of the various parameters.’ According to the scientists, extreme value theory (EVT) offers a solution for modelling the actual risks of a pandemic.

29 May 2020

Rotterdam The Hague Airport opens 'workshop for innovations’

Rotterdam The Hague Airport opens 'workshop for innovations’

This afternoon (Friday 29 May 2020) a unique AIRPORT TECHNOLOGY LAB (ATL) will open at Rotterdam The Haque Airport.

19 May 2020

How to convert the mechanical engineering competition into an online event

How to convert the mechanical engineering competition into an online event

Due to the restrictive corona measures, the design project of the first-year Mechanical Engineering looks very different this year. What if you are no longer allowed to get together and work, and if you can’t build and test a design in the workshop?

13 May 2020

Two mechanical engineering students victim of Scheveningen surfing accident

Two mechanical engineering students victim of Scheveningen surfing accident

We deeply regret to inform you that two students from our faculty were involved in the tragic surfing accident on Monday 11 May in Scheveningen.

07 May 2020

Smart optics against smart parasites

Smart optics against smart parasites

This Wednesday May 6th, Tepitome ‘Tope’ Agbana successfully defended his PhD on ‘Smart Optics Against Smart Parasites’, at Delft University of Technology (3ME faculty). The defence took place at the Senate room of the Aula while four other committee members joined via Skype . Agbana’s research concerns the early detection of malaria, which is the leading cause of death among pregnant women and young children: 11% of maternal and 20% of under–five deaths are attributed to malaria every year.

07 May 2020

We\Visit: combatting loneliness with video calling

We\Visit: combatting loneliness with video calling

For patients hospitalised with COVID-19, the battle is not just a physical fight against the virus, it’s a psychological struggle against isolation. Witnessing the impact of isolation on coronavirus patients, the Renier de Graaf Hospital in Delft reached out to scientists at Delft University of Technology to ask for help in developing an easy-to-use and secure communications platform.

06 May 2020

TU Delft students share ventilator design for international use

TU Delft students share ventilator design for international use

In a very short period of time, students involved in OperationAIR have successfully developed an emergency ventilator for coronavirus patients. Following the necessary test procedures, the design of the AIRone – including all related documentation – has now been released online so that other countries and initiatives can also benefit from it.

30 April 2020

NWO Indonesia project on energy transition in Indonesia approved

NWO Indonesia project on energy transition in Indonesia approved

Kornelis Blok and Jaco Quist will be working with the Technical University of Bandung in a broader consortium to do research on the renewable energy transition in Indonesia. The project is funded by NWO and the Indonesian research council. In the project, TU Delft will be focusing on making participatory renewable energy scenarios, implementation pathways and techno-economic assessment of renewable energy sources. One PhD candidate and one postdoc will be hired. Colleagues from the CEG faculty will also participate in the project.

28 April 2020

Smart shielding wall for care providers

Smart shielding wall for care providers

The shortages of personal protective equipment are increasing the pressure on the healthcare system in the fight against COVID-19. In collaboration with Pieter van der Staay, FLEX/design, Delmic, Star-shl diagnostic centres and Scala Scientific, a team of TU Delft students have developed a smart shielding wall that relieves care providers of time-consuming and complicated cleaning protocols.

28 April 2020

Mechanical ventilator to Guatemala

Mechanical ventilator to Guatemala

The researchers of Project Inspiration have made all of the designs for their mechanical ventilator available worldwide. In this way, the team hope to reduce the shortage of ventilators in the Netherlands and abroad. In addition, a test model has been prepared, and it will soon be sent to Guatemala.

27 April 2020

TU Delft researchers gain new insights into Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring

TU Delft researchers gain new insights into Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring

Scientific research into the world-famous painting by Johannes Vermeer, known as the 'Girl with a Pearl Earring', has yielded new insights. TU Delft researchers played an important role in making discoveries about the brushwork, the use of pigments and how Vermeer built up his painting with various layers of paint.

23 April 2020

In Memoriam Barend Thijsse (1950-2020)

In Memoriam Barend Thijsse (1950-2020)

In the early morning of 22 April 2020, our dear former colleague professor Barend Thijsse passed away after a short illness as a result of lung cancer. Barend was 69 years old.

15 April 2020

Scalable quantum bits operate under practical conditions

Scalable quantum bits operate under practical conditions

QuTech, a collaboration between TU Delft and TNO, has managed to control qubits in silicon at temperatures over 50 times higher than previously. The increase to practical temperatures represents a crucial leap towards a functional quantum computer. Qubits are the building blocks of a future quantum computer and operating at a higher temperature opens up the possibility of integrating both qubits and their controlling electronics onto one standard chip. The researchers published their findings in Nature today.