Research News

991 results

19 November 2020

New approach to make the cloud run sustainably

New approach to make the cloud run sustainably

Just like the roads that provide access to them and the dikes that protect them, cloud datacentres have become an essential part of our national, and worldwide, infrastructure. Thanks to capacity planning research by TU Delft master’s student Georgios Andreadis, these datacentres may continue to meet the ever-growing computational demands while reducing their operational costs and increasing their efficiency and environmental sustainability.

18 November 2020

Majority of Dutch people not lining up for COVID-19 vaccine

Majority of Dutch people not lining up for COVID-19 vaccine

An effective and safe COVID-19 vaccine is on the horizon. Still, a majority of people in the Netherlands say they’d rather not take a vaccine as soon as it becomes available, but wait instead. They are concerned about the potential risks of the vaccine. This conclusion comes from analysis of a choice experiment among a representative sample from the Dutch population. The experiment was done by researchers from Dutch universities (TU Delft, University of Maastricht, Erasmus University Rotterdam), the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment as well as Roskilde University.

18 November 2020

A Mechanism for Designing High-Entropy Alloys with improved Magnetic Properties

A Mechanism for Designing High-Entropy Alloys with improved Magnetic Properties

12 November 2020

More efficient conversion of heat into electricity by tinkering with nanostructure

More efficient conversion of heat into electricity by tinkering with nanostructure

Researchers TU Delft have not only been able to explain how nano-structures in thermoelectric materials can improve energy efficiency but they also propose a commercially more attractive way to manufacture nano-structured thermoelectric materials, increasing the chances for mass-production of thermoelectric energy. Their results were published in Nano Energy.

10 November 2020

TU Delft maritime hydrogen drone flies longer and greener

TU Delft maritime hydrogen drone flies longer and greener

Researchers at TU Delft together with the Royal Netherlands Navy and the Dutch Coastguard service developed a hydrogen-powered drone that is capable of vertical take-off and landing whilst also being able to fly horizontally efficiently for several hours, much like regular aircraft.

09 November 2020

TU Delft formula brings green new battery closer to reality

TU Delft formula brings green new battery closer to reality

Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) have developed a method to predict the atomic structure of sodium-ion batteries. Until now, this was impossible even with the best supercomputers. The findings can significantly speed up research into sodium-ion batteries. As a result, this type of battery can become a serious alternative to the popular Li-ion batteries found in our smartphones, laptops and electric cars. The researchers have published their findings in the prestigious scientific journal Science.

05 November 2020

Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing Program is the winner of HiTMaT 2020

The team, coordinated by Dr. Vera Popovich from MSE, TU Delft and in close collaboration with M2i, University of Twente, GKN Fokker and Beamler is the winner of HTSM High Tech Materials Call 2020.

03 November 2020

Four Veni grants for faculty 3mE

Four Veni grants for faculty 3mE

This week the Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant worth up to 250,000 euros to twelve TU Delft scientists. The grant provides the laureates with the opportunity to further elaborate their own ideas during a period of three years.

03 November 2020

Successful international conference on the future of smart grids

Successful international conference on the future of smart grids

The 10th edition of the IEEE PES ISGT Europe Conference, a flagship conference of IEEE Power & Energy Society, was hosted by the TU Delft this year. It was very successfully organized in a virtual fashion. Participants joined from 47 different countries, spread over five continents, with more than 30% having an affiliation outside Europe.

02 November 2020

How a guest lecturer enhances education

How a guest lecturer enhances education

Many former students return to TU Delft later in their careers as guest lecturers. Anton Paardekooper graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 1992 and has been a guest lecturer at 3mE for six years.

02 November 2020

TU Delft presents eight Best Graduates 2021

TU Delft presents eight Best Graduates 2021

Today, 29 October 2021, Delft University Fund announced the eight TU Delft Best Graduates 2021. Each year, TU Delft’s eight faculties nominate their Best Graduate. On 11 November, during the TU Delft Best Graduate Award Ceremony 2021, one of these eight nominees will receive the prestigious title TU Delft Best Graduate 2021.

29 October 2020

Night Watch scanned in 3D for the first time

Night Watch scanned in 3D for the first time

20 October 2020

DIMI Stories: There’s still room on the water! by Prof. Rudy Negenborn

DIMI Stories: There’s still room on the water! by Prof. Rudy Negenborn

Freight transport by water is cheaper and uses less energy than by road. What’s more, there’s more room on the water than on our congested roads. We could fully exploit these benefits by first solving a few notorious bottlenecks, such as container ships that aren’t loaded to capacity, suboptimal vessel navigation and congested locks.

08 October 2020

Bart van Trigt at TU Delft TV: Prevention versus performance

Bart van Trigt at TU Delft TV: Prevention versus performance

How to get the most realistic data from an athlete in action? Take it to the field!

01 October 2020

TRUST PV Project

TRUST PV Project

The Photovoltaic Material and Devices (PVMD) group at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) has been granted funding by the European Commission Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) under the Horizon 2020 framework programme for the TRUST-PV project.