Research News

991 results

26 April 2022

Energy Challenge Event

Energy Challenge Event

On 9 June, the TU Delft campus will be all about students and their ideas for the future of the energy transition. This year, almost all students will pay extra attention in their education to the transition to a society where the energy supply is more sustainable.

19 April 2022

Bacterial soundtracks revealed by graphene membrane

Bacterial soundtracks revealed by graphene membrane

A of researchers from TU Delft , led by dr. Farbod Alijani, have managed to capture low-level noise of a single bacterium using graphene. Now, their research is published in Nature Nanotechnology.

14 April 2022

‘Professor, can I have your signature?’

‘Professor, can I have your signature?’

Students in the last grade of primary school were stunned by professor Jan-Willem van Wingerden's guest lecture during “Meet the Professor”. This year, 33 Delft professors visited various primary schools in Delft to introduce them to science.

14 April 2022

Tracing waves to find phantom plastic

Tracing waves to find phantom plastic

Ridding the oceans of plastic waste is a huge undertaking which would be significantly helped if the location of the plastic waste could be ascertained with some accuracy. Wave expert Ton van den Bremer is using waves and satellites to track down the ‘phantom’ plastic that is polluting our oceans.

14 April 2022

The battle of the Amsterdam quayside bulge

The battle of the Amsterdam quayside bulge

The canals and quaysides in historic cities such as Amsterdam, Delft and Utrecht make a pretty picture. In order for these often busy cities to remain safe, the quay walls, some over 300 years old and built on wooden piles, need to be well maintained.

12 April 2022

Girls from years 3-4 of pre-university education get to know mechanical engineering

Girls from years 3-4 of pre-university education get to know mechanical engineering

How do a hand prosthesis and an operation tool work? What are some sustainable solutions for beach litter? And what kind of technical innovations can you work on as a student team? During Girls’ Day 2022, 40 girls from the 3rd and 4th year of pre-university education (VWO) were introduced to the world of mechanical engineering.

12 April 2022

Top players in the aviation sector and TU Delft aim to accelerate transition to sustainable aviation

Top players in the aviation sector and TU Delft aim to accelerate transition to sustainable aviation

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Royal Schiphol Group, Airbus, Royal NLR and TU Delft are entering into a close co-operation to develop the technology needed for climate-neutral flights in 2050.

11 April 2022

Feeling things by touching the screen of your smartphone

Feeling things by touching the screen of your smartphone

Imagine you could feel the brush strokes of Van Gogh, the fur of your beloved pet on a zoom call, fabrics in online shopping or tissues in medical images. Yasemin Vardar, assistant professor at the department of Cognitive Robotics (CoR), wants to enable this breakthrough by developing friction-modulation haptic displays. This week she received Veni funding from NWO for her research idea.

08 April 2022

TU Delft and TNO prepare industry for scale-up phase of clean factory

TU Delft and TNO prepare industry for scale-up phase of clean factory

Oil and gas shortages are not only pushing up the prices of gas and petrol, but also plastics, medicines and cosmetics. To make our society less dependent on fossil fuels and combat climate change, the chemical industry needs to change radically. In recent years, TU Delft and TNO have laid the foundation for cleaner production processes in the chemical industry. The new e-Chem partnership is now taking this a step further by actually constructing a clean factory of the future.

31 March 2022

Wenli Shi wins 'Best Energy Paper Award'

Wenli Shi wins 'Best Energy Paper Award'

Wenli Shi wins this years 'Best Energy Paper Award' of the PowerWeb Institute

28 March 2022

The Feasibility of Reinforcement Learning as a Replacement for Mixed-Integer Programming for Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles

18 March 2022

Davide Ripepi wins Delft Best Energy Paper Award

Davide Ripepi wins Delft Best Energy Paper Award

On Wednesday 16 March, Davide Ripepi won the Best Energy Paper Award after first winning the e-Refinery Best Energy Paper Award. This all took place at the Delft Best Paper Award Event.

18 March 2022

Davide Ripepi wins Delft Best Energy Paper Award

Davide Ripepi wins Delft Best Energy Paper Award

On Wednesday 16 March, Davide Ripepi won the Best Energy Paper Award after first winning the e-Refinery Best Energy Paper Award. This all took place at the Delft Best Paper Award Event.

17 March 2022

ERC Grants for Daniel Tam and Javier Alonso-Mora

ERC Grants for Daniel Tam and Javier Alonso-Mora

Javier Alonso-Mora at the Department of Cognitive Robotics (CoR) has been awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant, while Daniel Tam at the Department of Process and Energy (P&E) has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant.

15 March 2022

Climate scientists launch national climate research initiative

TBM onderzoeker Andrea Ramirez Ramirez maakt deel uit van een breed gezelschap van Nederlandse klimaatonderzoekers die zich hebben verenigd op verzoek van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) en NWO in een taskforce. Deze groep zal nog voor de zomer een rapport uitbrengen over de oprichting van een nieuw netwerkinstituut voor wetenschapsbreed klimaatonderzoek.