
229 results

18 March 2021

Wim Haije in Atlas

08 March 2021

Carey Walters in Atlas

08 March 2021

Geert Keetels in various media

23 February 2021

Farbod Alijani in various media

21 February 2021

Gerard Verbiest in various media

Techniques to extract information from plants about what they need. In 4TU.techtalk #3 Gerard Verbiest (4TU Plantenna/ TU Delft) and Jan Westra (Priva) discuss smart agriculture.

21 January 2021

Johan Padding in KIJK Magazine

Glas is vloeibaar, noch vast. Om die reden bijten natuurkundigen al jaren hun tanden erop stuk. Maar nieuw onderzoek licht een tipje van de sluier op.

15 December 2020

Peter Steeneken in various media

10 December 2020

Wouter van den Bos in various media

TU Delft has developed software that makes it possible to calculate the risks of contamination with the corona virus for a specific area. The model virtually places a sick person in a room and simulates how quickly the virus particles spread. This can be used to calculate how safe it is in areas such as airplanes, classrooms or restaurants.

10 December 2020

Lorenzo Botto in various media

Researchers develop first model to guide large-scale production of ultrathin graphene

10 December 2020

Ad van Wijk in various media

Ad van Wijk in various media

According to professor Ad van Wijk, hydrogen is one of the most sustainable substances to store energy.

30 November 2020

Arjan Mol in various media

30 November 2020

Guido Sturm in Groente & Fruit Actueel

Twelve years ago, the first tests were already carried out with soil disinfection via microwaves. Researchers from various technical disciplines are currently working together to develop this idea into a practical application, as an alternative to soil steaming.

23 November 2020

Earl Goetheer in BNR

Scientists and engineers from the US have come up with a way to store electricity in a brick. "They modified it, and it works really well. But very different from a normal lithium battery, explains energy expert Earl Goetheer.

12 November 2020

Regine Vroom in Computer Idee

26 October 2020

Geeske Langejans in BBC World

What makes things sticky?

12 October 2020

Tim Horeman in various media

John van den Dobbelsteen and Tim Horeman, together with lab manager Rob Luttjeboer, have a successful way to test recycled sterilized masks and masks made from new materials

05 October 2020

John van den Dobbelsteen in various media

TU Delft and Van Straten Medical have developed and tested a process to reuse masks safely up to five times. The process can be applied directly and by all hospitals.

01 October 2020

Sarvesh Kolekar in various media

Self-driving cars can already do quite a bit, but driving as a human being requires something that algorithms cannot do very well: being insecure and careless. A new model that maps the mechanism behind human driving should change this.

18 September 2020

Erik Offerman in various media

Answer to the question of why disposable razors become dull so quickly. And what does a durable Iron Age look like?

14 September 2020

Joost de Winter in various media

Joost de Winter in various media

Joost de Winter: "The industry is increasingly seeing the importance of research in the field of robotics. Delft engineers lead robotics solutions that enable a company to innovate its technologies."

03 September 2020

Burak Eral in various media

Burak Eral and his colleagues are developing a method that allows microparticles to be separated based on their shape.

03 September 2020

Lode Huijgens in Marine Professional

Exciting research by Lode Huijgens is helping to pave the way for the next generation of ship propulsion systems. Marine Professional finds out more.

03 September 2020

Rudy Negenborn in various media

How can transport on the Rhine between Rotterdam / Antwerp and Basel be improved? That is the central question in the Novimove research program: Novel inland waterway transport concepts for moving freight effectively. The European Commission has allocated nearly € 9 million to this four-year program from Horizon 2020, the Framework Program for Research and Innovation.

31 August 2020

Leo Kestens in NRC

Answer to the question of why disposable razors become dull so quickly.

06 August 2020

Heike Vallery in various media

As healthcare becomes increasingly complex, Professor Heike Vallery strives for simpler and lighter systems for learning to walk again.

30 July 2020

Joris Dik in various media

A group of TU Delft bachelor students, led by professor Joris Dik, understood the secret of a special piece of wall, without affecting it. Their graduation thesis was published this week in the scientific journal Heritage Science.

14 July 2020

Andrew Berry in various media

Researchers developed a backpack-like wearable robot to provide balance support during rehabilitation; the GyBAR.

14 July 2020

Daniel Lemus in various media

Researchers developed a backpack-like wearable robot to provide balance support during rehabilitation; the GyBAR.

14 July 2020

Saher Jabeen in various media

Researchers developed a backpack-like wearable robot to provide balance support during rehabilitation; the GyBAR.

13 July 2020

Jan-Henk Welink in Trouw

The global mountain of electronic waste is growing alarmingly fast.

06 July 2020

Arend Schwab in BNR

01 July 2020

Gerwin Smit in various media

A team of researchers and students is launching a new type of ventilator that is purely mechanical and that you could easily build and repair yourself.

29 June 2020

Gerjo van Osch in various media

28 June 2020

Jaap Harlaar in various media

TU Delft Master's students of Technical Medicine, under the supervision of Prof. Jaap Harlaar, want to develop a simple and relatively inexpensive ventilator as soon as possible.

18 June 2020

e-Refinery in Delftse Post

Plants and trees are formed from CO2, sunlight and water. They created petroleum in the sea millions of years ago. When the products that we make from petroleum are burned, the CO2 in the air that took millions of years to form petroleum is released in a very short time. This CO2 contributes to the greenhouse effect and thus to global warming.

18 June 2020

Tamás Keviczky in various media

18 June 2020

Klaas Visser in De Ingenieur

More and more ships are being built with electric motors on board. "Society is increasingly demanding emissions-free sailing. As a result, more and more shipbuilders are starting to focus on emission-free propulsion of ships, "says Klaas Visser.

01 June 2020

Amir Zadpoor in various media

A project team of scientists active in the Medical Delta region is testing the first prototypes of a ventilator consisting entirely of standard parts. These parts are locally stocked almost everywhere in the world and can be made by hundreds of manufacturers. As a result, the ventilator can in many cases be assembled locally. The design hopes to respond to the demand for respiratory equipment and the logistical problems that exist due to a shortage of specific parts.

28 May 2020

Jan Klein in various media

According to professor Jan Klein, authority in the field of patient safety, the number of calamities hardly decreases.

25 May 2020

Jinne Geelen in various media

For people who are paralyzed and unable to move, communication is difficult. Or can you also control a computer with your thoughts?