Resources for your courses

Make your course content fit for sharing with your students

When you gather educational resources for your course, you will want to share them with your students. Here is a quick guide for finding, publishing and sharing educational resources.


Reuse an existing video lecture

Do you need a video lecture? You don’t need to record something new if there are recorded lectures available from previous years.


Record a new video lecture

If there is no video lecture available to you, you can record your own video lecture.

  • Check the quick guide for remote teaching and learning for guidelines on how to record a video lecture.
  • Check the tools page for an overview of GDPR complaint tools that you can use to create online content.


Publish and share lecture notes

Do you have lecture notes that you want to share with your students? Digitize them by typing them out instead of scanning written pages.

  • Make sure you publish your resources in formats that students can edit or comment on their own devices: it is easier for students to work with a .doc format than with a .pdf.


Find resources in the TU Delft Library collection

You can search our collections to find learning resources for your course. As a TU Delft employee you are automatically a member of the Library and you have all sorts of options for viewing, borrowing or gaining access to our collections in various ways.


Find open educational resources

If you need supplementary content in addition to your available digital material, look for open resources. These resources are all fit for publishing on Brightspace, without infringing copyright.

  • Make sure you first determine what type of material you need. Use our list of repositories for open educational resources to get an impression of what is available (from animations to quizzes and interactive tests). 
  • If you know what type of material you need, use specific platforms to find it:
    • TU Delft Open Courseware for TU Delft specific lecture resources;
    • MOOCs (edX; Coursera) and Youtube for educational videos;
    • Library website for articles and ebooks;
    • OER repositories for a wide range of open educational resources;
    • Search engines like Google or Yahoo. Make sure you search for materials that can be re-used. You can do this on Google via Advanced search > Use rights;
    • When the available platforms don’t suit your needs, ask colleagues or students for resources.


Reference open educational resources

When you use open resources that you found online, make sure that you refer to the source.

  • Mention at least the author, publication year, source title and the link to the source.
  • You can also use the Attribution Builder to generate your reference.


Regarding Copyright and educational resources

Not all teaching materials can be shared with students in Brightspace. Publishing commercial works (like a digital textbook), is not allowed and will cause copyright infringement issues.

  • If you are unsure if you are allowed to publish something on Brightspace, check the library copyright website or contact for personal support.


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