
699 results

Opening times & locations

Opening times & locations

Library Learning Centre Trésor Library of Architecture & Maproom CEG StuDoc

Archiving & digitalising

There are four reasons for proper archiving Information needs of employees, students, scientists, teachers Properly archived information…

Edit your profile

To access your account, go to and log on using your TU Delft credentials. After logging on, the system will take you…

Fingerprints and added keywords

Fingerprints are auto-generated keywords (concepts) which are prominently shown on your profile page. They are automatically generated using…

Setting up your profile page on the TU Delft Research Portal

As a TU Delft researcher, you can set up and modify your profile page. You can: add a description of your research profile, research…

Pure registration instructions

Pure is the Current Research Information System (CRIS) used by TU Delft. The scientist can save research output, activities, press/media…

Contact & Support

If you have any questions about Pure and/or need support, please reach out to the Pure contact person at your faculty. Faculty Contact…

Set up your research profile

The TU Delft research portal provides a searchable and browsable public interface for all research output at the TU Delft.The portal is…

Information about borrowing

Part of the collection is on loan. As a TU Delft employee or student, you are automatically a member of the library. You can borrow books…

Archiving & Digitalising

There are four reasons for proper archiving Information needs of employees, students, scientists, teachers Properly archived information…