
699 results

Academic Browser for iPad and iPhone

The Academic Browser delivers fast access to licensed research material by providing quick and simple access to licensed resources whenever,…

800,000 scientific publications open access available via NARCIS

In collaboration with universities and other research institutions, more than 800,000 scientific publications are now open access via…

Publish open access at TTP free of charge

TU Delft Library has concluded an (open access) agreement with Trans Tech Publications (TTP). This Swiss based publisher is particular…

Board of Editors

Board of Editors The TU Delft OPEN Publishing Board of Editors comprises of experts in their research fields and in publishing. The Board…

Moving time

In the summer of 2019, a unique clock was moved to TU Delft Library. The clock, a precise pendulum clock dating from 1901, was made by…

Computers & WiFi

Computers & Wifi Monitors in the Glass Hall In the Glass Hall, most study places are equipped with a monitor, keyboard and mouse. This is…

XR Zone

XR Zone

The XR Zone of the New Media Centre – part of the TU Delft Library – is located on the ground floor of the TU Delft Library. The XR Zone…



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Data Stewardship

Data Stewardship

Did you know? • Data Stewards provide disciplinary support for research data management and sharing across the campus. • Every TU Delft…

Yasemin Turkyilmaz-van der Velden

Faculteit: Mechanical Engineering (ME) I work as the Data Stewardship Coordinator at TU Delft. Between 2018 and 2023, I worked as the Data…