The Art of Scribe in Print

Exhibition from January 10 to April 10 in the TU Delft Library, Treasury

This small exhibition displays books from the Trésor, the treasure trove of TU Delft Library, which is home to the entire paper collection from before 1900. The subject of this exhibition is ‘The art of the scribe in print’. It includes a presentation of 17th and 18th century books from the leading scribes from Delft and environs.

The work of scribes was booming in the 17th century. Hundreds of schoolmasters were fleeing the south for religious reasons, and were settling in the north, primarily in the provinces of Holland and Zealand. They were given permission to organise Dutch or French schools.

The French schools focused on international trade, which had seen enormous growth in the 16th century. One of the subjects was penmanship. The French schools were run under the tutelage of ‘scribes’. Schoolmasters who had raised the art of writing to a speciality and had become calligraphers.

The scribes have left behind fine examples of their work, also known as copy books. Their handwritten works were engraved as a mirror image (an art in itself) onto a copper plate, which was then used to make prints.

Arabic Calligraphy Workshop

As part of the exhibition “the Art of Scribe” in the Treasury, the Academic Heritage team is organizing an Arabic calligraphy workshop for beginners! During the workshop we start with some theoretical information about this art form, and then get acquainted with the materials, which is followed by a demonstration. After that, you will start experimenting calligraphy yourself. We will practice different letters. You do not need any prior knowledge to follow this workshop!

The workshop will be given by calligraphy experts from the Rumi Kunst Instituut, which was founded in Rotterdam in 2008 by Dr. Mehmet Refii Kileci.

The workshop is free of charge and open for TU Delft employees and students (max. 25 participants).

Tuesday 24th of March 15:30-17:30

TU Delft Library, Orange room

Language: English

To participate please email: