Tentoonstelling: ‘Bioinspired – Designing the Surface

Creative Learning from Nature’ 13 september 2017 - 9 januari 2018

Bio-Inspired and Bio-Based Materials | Exhibition during IFOT

New Materials Inspired by Nature

06 JUNE-08 JUNE 2018 12:00-14:00 & 16:00-22:00 LOCATION: AULA

Since prehistoric times humans have liked natural materials, wool, stone, wood. They have kept us warm and alive for as long as we know. Today our adventure with natural materials goes beyond what we can collect. Fungi can grow our furniture, or our plates can be made by algae. We are inspired by natural materials to design new ones! During the festival different bio-inspired and bio-based materials will be displayed.

Ir. Marion Vredeling made the Bioinspired Exhibition at the Library recently, which will be moving to the Botanical Garden. Tje exhibition shows multiple examples of how technology is inspired by nature and some of the exhibits will be on display. Also Dr. Elvin Karana (Industrial Design Engineering) and professors Stephen Picken and Mark van Loosdrecht (both Applied Sciences) will display their Bio-Based and Bio-Inspired works.

IFoT: https://ifot-delft.com/en/events/bio-inspired-and-bio-based-materials

Photos by Stephen Picken, Marion Vredeling, Elvin Karana on Facebook


Meer over deze tentoonstelling

Exhibition “Bioinspired- Designing the Surface” – TU Delft Creative Learning from Nature

Een enorm potentieel voor toekomstgerichte innovatieve technieken

Biomimicry: Being Bioinspired (Library Online Magazine)

Meer over deze tentoonstelling