

Registration for the JMBC PhD courses is possible by filling in the online registration form for members or the online registration form for non-members.

Upcoming courses:

Registration forms for JMBC Members 
Fluids and Flows (CISM, 8-12 April 2024)
Micro- and Nanofluidics (TU/e, 21-23 May 2024)

Active Hydrodynamics (Wageningen, 7-11 Oct 2024)
Experimental methods in fluid mechanics (UT, 4-7 November 2024)

Technological Innovation with Fluid Mechanics (TUD, 11-15 November 2024)

Registration forms for non-JMBC Members 
Micro- and Nanofluidics (TU/e, 21-23 May 2024)

Active Hydrodynamics (Wageningen, 7-11 Oct 2024)
Experimental methods in fluid mechanics (UT, 4-7 November 2024)

Technological Innovation with Fluid Mechanics (TUD, 11-15 November 2024)

In case the registration is cancelled within one month before the starting date of the course, the registration fee will not be returned.