Tactile Internet
The goal of the “Tactile Internet” is to facilitate interaction with distant humans and cyber-physical systems as if they were near. One illustrative example is that of a surgeon who, via the Internet, controls a robotic arm to perform surgery on a patient in a different country. Clearly, the latency experienced should be very small, the connection should be highly reliable, haptic sensitivity should be present, etc.
The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and Delft University of Technology have joined forces to realize the Tactile Internet. Our aim is to provide a proof-of-concept implementation that allows researchers from both campuses to shake hands over the Internet. In particular, we are building a glove to transfer haptic information and we are providing novel networking techniques to guarantee low network latency, which is crucial in controlling a remote device (e.g., robotic arm).
Renewal of the MoU between IISc and TU Delft (Feb. 28, 2018)
- IISc: Dr. T.V. Prabhakar
- TU Delft: Dr. Fernando Kuipers
Associated faculty members
- IISc: Dr. Chandramani Singh
- TU Delft: Prof. Koen Langendoen and Dr. Ranga Rao Venkatesha Prasad
PhD students
- IISc: Kurian Polachan (Started Jan. 2016)
- TU Delft: Belma Turkovic (Started March 2017)
Kurian presents the tactile glove during the Netherlands Trade Dinner in Bangalore (May 25, 2018)
- K. Polachan, T.V. Prabhakar, C. Singh, and F.A. Kuipers, "Towards an Open Testbed for Tactile Cyber Physical Systems," Proc. of the 11th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS 2019), Bengaluru, India, January 7-11, 2019.
- B. Turkovic, F.A. Kuipers, N. van Adrichem, and K. Langendoen, "Fast network congestion detection and avoidance using P4," Proc. of the ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Workshop on Networking for Emerging Applications and Technologies (NEAT), August 20-24, Budapest, Hungary.
- D. van den Berg, R. Glans, D. de Koning, F.A. Kuipers, J. Lugtenburg, K. Polachan, T.V. Prabhakar, C. Singh, B. Turkovic, and B. van Wijk, "Challenges in Haptic Communications over the Tactile Internet," IEEE Access, vol.5, no. 1, pp. 23502-23518, December 2017.