
23 August 2019

#COCREATEMYCITY Cape Town – Want to go to South Africa?

Do you want to work in a multicultural and interdisciplinary team of students on the future of smart cities in South Africa? The Netherlands Embassy in South Africa invites motivated students from TU Delft to work on urban challenges identified by the City of Cape Town.

04 July 2019

Jenny Dankelman is Professor of Excellence 2019

Jenny Dankelman is Professor of Excellence 2019

On Thursday 4 July, Jenny Dankelman, Professor of Minimally Invasive Surgery and Intervention Techniques at the Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE), was informed by Delft University Fund that she will receive the prestigious Professor of Excellence Award 2019.

26 June 2019

Mobilizing young researchers and citizen scientists to close water data gaps

Young researchers and citizen scientists can and should be systematically mobilized with a common mobile data collection platform to help close ‘water data gaps’, says Jeffrey Davids. He defended his PhD-thesis on this subject on Thursday June 13th at TU Delft.

12 June 2019

Ludo Hille Ris Lambers wins public prize TU Delft Ideation Pitch

On Tuesday 11 June, IDE student Ludo Hille Ris Lambers successfully pitched his graduation project, focused on a 3D printer for hospitals in Africa. He pitched with the other finalists on BNR News Radio for the Ideation Pitch at YES!Delft. Ludo won the public prize of € 1,500. You can listen to his pitch (in Dutch) here.

01 June 2019

New programme manager of TU Delft | Global Initiative

New programme manager of TU Delft | Global Initiative

We are pleased to inform you that Claire Hallewas has been appointed as the new programme manager of the TU Delft | Global Initiative. She will assume the position with effect from 1 June, taking over from Acting Programme Manager Roel Kamerling. We would like to thank Roel for standing in over the last six months and are delighted that he will continue to strengthen the TU Delft | Global Initiative as programme developer.

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