Namrata Shah

I followed the MSc Chemical Engineering program at TU Delft from 2018 - 2020 and during this, I came across the EngD program since I enrolled for some of the EngD courses as a part of my Honors track. I found these courses to be engaging and they aligned with my future interests of working on novel projects focused on sustainable development. I decided to take up this opportunity after completing my MSc and embarking on this journey has been a transformative and intellectually stimulating adventure where I have improved myself as a chemical engineering professional.

The program is structured in a way that the first year provides you with the space and opportunities to develop your technical and non-technical skills. The compulsory courses help improve creativity, project management skills as well as technical knowledge. The electives provide the possibilities to learn more on the domains of your interests or dive into new subjects which might be intriguing. I was able to develop my knowledge further on topics like heat integration, plant economics and stakeholder management as well as introduced to topics like offshore engineering, business strategies and product development.

One of the highlights of the program is the Individual Design project (IDP). It is a yearlong project that an EngD trainee does with a company. The chance to be a part of a company and get acquainted to a corporate environment whilst working on a novel project is a perfect opportunity to test your skills, gain confidence as well as have a nice learning curve. I did my IDP in Shell in the area of green hydrogen and it was a rewarding experience. The guidance and mentorship I've received throughout this project has been invaluable in shaping my ideas and refining my methodologies. This project has been a key contributor to my professional development journey.

From the outset, the program demonstrated its commitment to fostering a dynamic learning environment because it offers very interesting courses as well as a lot more. Apart from courses, group projects and the IDP, there are various social events and seminars you could be a part of. I played an active role in the Delft Ingenious Design Employee Association (DIDEA) as a EngD representative followed by the position of a chairperson. I think this experience helped me improve my communication skills and made me a better team player. DIDEA represents the EngD trainees, maintains clear communication with the EngD management, circulates a quarterly newsletter as well as organizes social events and drinks.

The EngD program is also an opportunity to meet fellow talented trainees who share similar interests and are from diverse cultural and academic backgrounds. During my EngD journey, I have met some amazing people and made some very good friends. The EngD community is a nice space to learn, grow, make friends, and transform yourself into a better professional over the course of these two years.

I am glad that I decided to follow the EngD program, and I cherish this journey. It was the first step in my professional journey, and it provided me with a platform to showcase my skills, improve them further and develop into a better version of myself.

Namrata Shah (India)

Research Technologist
at Shell