360 results

09 August 2019

M&M2019 poster prizes for ImPhys PhDs Maurice Krielaart and Ryan Lane

M&M2019 poster prizes for ImPhys PhDs Maurice Krielaart and Ryan Lane

ImPhys Phd’s Maurice Krielaart and Ryan Lane have won poster prizes at the Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019 conference in Portland (USA)

02 August 2019

Two NWO START-UP grants for ImPhys: David Maresca and Sebastian Weingärtner

Two NWO START-UP grants for ImPhys: David Maresca and Sebastian Weingärtner

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded nearly three million euros to seven recently appointed researchers in physics and chemistry through the START-UP programme. Both David Maresca and Sebastian Weingärtner have been awarded with a grant

17 July 2019

Inaugural speech Prof. Sjoerd Stallinga online

Inaugural speech Prof. Sjoerd Stallinga online

In case you missed the inaugurational speech of Prof Sjoerd Stallinga, the recorded speech 'Zichtbaar/Onzichtbaar' can be watched on collegerama.

17 July 2019

Sebastian Weingärtner started as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Imaging Physics on July 1st 2019

Sebastian Weingärtner started as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Imaging Physics on July 1st 2019

His lab will be working on the development of novel methods for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to enable quantitative depiction of pathologies in-vivo.

14 July 2019

Publication Sjoerd Stallinga in Advanced Materials

Publication Sjoerd Stallinga in Advanced Materials

A collaboration of Sjoerd Stallinga with Stijn Kragt, Davey Hoekstra, Dick Broer and Albert Schenning of TU Eindhoven has led to a paper “3D Helix Engineering in Chiral Photonic Materials” in Advanced Materials.

11 July 2019

Publication Freek Pols in Physics Education

Publication Freek Pols in Physics Education

Paper Freek Pols: "Introducing argumentation in inquiry—a combination of five exemplary activities" published in Physics Education.

11 July 2019

BSc student Hannah Nijsse graduated with honors

BSc student Hannah Nijsse graduated with honors

Hannah Nijsse successfully completed her Bachelor End Project (BEP) on 10 July 2019. She developed a method for quantifying image sharpness in MR images after FatNav motion correction.

07 June 2019

Two AS researchers to lead new NWA programmes

Two AS researchers to lead new NWA programmes

Researchers Nico de Jong (Imaging Physics) and Toeno van der Sar (Quantum Nanoscience) have received funding from NWO within the National Science Agenda programme: Research on Routes by Consortia (NWA-ORC). Both researchers will lead an interdisciplinary consortium that focuses on a particular scientific and societal challenge.

22 May 2019

Work of Yifeng Shao highlighted story in SPIE newsroom

Work of Yifeng Shao highlighted story in SPIE newsroom

Reconstructing the phase of a field from intensity measurements is a long-standing and ubiquitous challenge, known as the phase retrieval problem. The new phase reconstruction method by Yifeng Shao, PhD student @ImPhys, overcomes several challenges of conventional iterative CDI algorithms and holographic methods.

21 May 2019

Jeroen Heldens successfully defended his PhD thesis

Jeroen Heldens successfully defended his PhD thesis

On May 17th, 2019 Jeroen Heldens successfuly defended his PhD thesis on "Raman based identification of on-chip trapped single micro-organisms".


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