418 results

11 October 2021

Jordan Gotti joined Imphys as a MSc student

Jordan Gotti joined Imphys as a MSc student

Jordan Gotti joined Imphys from the industrial biotechnology university of Milano Bicocca. She will join the lab of Daan Brinks for a master project and work on a project characterizing expression patterns of voltage sensors in zebrafish embryos.

05 October 2021

Léon van Velzen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Léon van Velzen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Léon van Velzen is currently following the Applied Physics master with a focus on instrumentation. The coming months he hopes to contribute to the research group by using software to model the aberration corrected SEM currently being built by Diederik Maas. On this topic he will write his master thesis.

05 October 2021

Rubicon grant for Applied Sciences researcher

Maurice Krielaart (ImPhys) has been awarded a coveted Rubicon grant by NWO.

04 October 2021

Haoyang Yin joined ImPhys as MSc student

Haoyang Yin joined ImPhys as MSc student

Haoyang Yin will be doing his Master project in the optics group for the next half year. His supervisors are Silvania Pereira and Dmytro Kolenov. Haoyang will be working on the coherent Fourier scatterometry setup for particle detection. The idea is to add a movable reference mirror in order to retrieve phase information and boost the signal to noise ratio of the scan.

04 October 2021

Thijs van den Brink joined ImPhys as MSc student

Thijs van den Brink joined ImPhys as MSc student

Thijs van den Brink will be doing his MEP on the Nano-aperture Ion Source under the supervision of Pieter Kruit. He will mainly be focusing on the simulation of the gas flow of the possible chip configurations. The modeling is done using a direct simulation Monte Carlo code.

29 September 2021

Sebastian Weingärtner fellow of the Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

Sebastian Weingärtner fellow of the Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

Sebastian Weingärter has been named fellow of the Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR).

28 September 2021

Van Leeuwenhoek lecture: Getting under the skin of paintings

Van Leeuwenhoek lecture: Getting under the skin of paintings

Just beneath the visible surface of a painting, quite literally just a few micrometres below, you can find a wealth of information about the artist. TU Delft worked closely with the museum sector to develop new, diagnostic imaging techniques for analysing the structure and composition of works of art.

24 September 2021

Paper on "Plasmonic enhancement of photoacoustic-induced reflection changes" in Spotlight on Optics

Paper on "Plasmonic enhancement of photoacoustic-induced reflection changes" in Spotlight on Optics

The paper, “Plasmonic enhancement of photoacoustic-induced reflection changes”, has been chosen for inclusion in “Spotlight on Optics” by OSA. The research has been done in collaboration with ARCNL colleagues.

23 September 2021

A New Beam Multiplexer for NASA's GUSTO mission

A New Beam Multiplexer for NASA's GUSTO mission

GUSTO, NASA's stratospheric balloon observatory, will bring the Dutch multi-pixel camera system of SRON and TU Delft to the edge of space. It will perform a large-scale observation of the spectral lines from ionized atoms between the stars of the Milky Way. As an extra hardware contribution, SRON-TU Delft delivers a Fourier phase grating. The technique behind it is now published in Optics Express.

21 September 2021

Chris den Ouden joined ImPhys as MSc student

Chris den Ouden joined ImPhys as MSc student

Chris den Ouden has started a M.Sc. project under supervision of Eric Verschuur. He will work on direct inversion of seismic reflection measurements into physical subsurface parameters using Machine Learning approaches, under a local horizontally layered medium assumption. The use of prior knowledge from borehole data will be important to steer the ML process via training on synthetic data and, thereby, reduce the ambiguity.


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