Delft Electron Microscopy Initiative (DEMI)

With the Delft Electron Microscopy Initiative (DEMI), the departments of Imaging Physics, Quantum Nanoscience, and Bionanoscience at TU Delft join forces in the innovation, development, education, application, and accessibility of cutting edge Electron Microscopy techniques.

Delft has a long-standing tradition in the development and application of new techniques in microscopy, from the early work of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, to pioneering developments in electron microscopy in the early 20th century. More recently, TU Delft has been at the forefront of innovations in multi-beam electron microscopy and lithography, in-situ electron microscopy, and correlative light and electron microscopy. Within DEMI, we want to expand on this tradition to develop novel, revolutionary techniques for electron microscopy and also use the (beyond-)state-of-art machines that we host in key applications in the areas of quantum nanomaterials and life sciences. We want to educate the next generation of scientists and engineers in electron microscopy and increase the use of our instruments through collaboration with external users and industry.

Our role in NEMI - the Netherlands Electron Microscopy Infrastructure
We are the NEMI flagship node for Instrumentation and Method Development and their Application in Cryo/Life Sciences and Quantum/Nano Materials. 

  • Jacob Hoogenboom serves as NEMI executive board member
  • Sonia Conesa-Boj is member of the NEMI educational committee and initiated and maintains the NEMI educational and seminar platform


DEMI infrastructure

To be added.