Ruud van Ommen

Full Professor

Ruud van Ommen (PhD 2001, currently full professor) is a chemical engineer by training. He has a broad expertise in multiphase reactors and particle technology. In the past decade, he expanded his research to the scalable production of advanced, nanostructured materials. In 2011, he started an ambitious program (funded by an ERC Starting Grant) to investigate the interplay between agglomeration and coating of nanoparticles in the gas phase. This fundamental work has led to practical applications, e.g. for energy conversion and storage, and for pharmaceuticals production. The second part of his research efforts are embedded in TU Delft’s e-Refinery institute. The efforts of van Ommen’s team are mostly aimed at developing scalable reactor configurations for e.g. CO2 reduction, and production of the required materials.

Academic background

Ruud van Ommen is a full professor in the Chemical Engineering department, and section leader of the Product & Process Engineering section in that department. Moreover, he is MT member of the e-Refinery Institute and the Process and Product Technology Institute (Pro2Tech). He obtained both his MSc degree in Chemical Engineering at Delft University of Technology in 1996, and in 2001 a PhD degree at the same university. He has been visiting professor at Chalmers University (Gothenburg, Sweden) and the University of Colorado (Boulder, USA). He is co-founder of Delft IMP (now called Powall), a spin-off company from his group.


Chemical Reaction Engineering
Particle Technology
Nanostructured Materials