Bioprocess Engineering

The section Bioprocess Engineering (BPE) aims at designing and developing novel concepts for compact, clean, and efficient biotechnological manufacturing processes, starting from fundamental and quantitative mechanistic knowledge, and integrating advanced technological, theoretical, and experimental methods. 

The research covers several physical scales:

  1. Molecular/cellular scale: Measurement and modelling. 
  2. Equipment scale: Development of bioreactors and associated process equipment, including the use of computational methods for design and operation.
  3. Process scale: Integration of the bioreactor with upstream and downstream processes.

 Products that are addressed include: 

  • Biofuels
  • Bio-based chemicals and polymers
  • Food and feed ingredients
  • Biopharmaceuticals
  • Cells and tissue

The section has a principal role in BSc and MSc programmes Life Science & Technology and in the post-master two-year education programme Designer in Bioprocess Engineering.

Principal Investigators

Permanent Staff

Kawieta Ramautar

Management assistant

Stef van Hateren


Simon Leygeber


Christiaan Mooiman


Jeroen Schmidt


Former Principal Investigators