Is this the right job for me? Exploring your current role and job (dis)satisfaction

08 November 2023 20:00 till 21:30 - Location: Online - By: Marlies Koolhaas | Add to my calendar

You might have the role you always wanted, but it doesn’t give you what you hoped. Or maybe you discovered your job doesn’t fit you. When you are considering taking a next career step, it is crucial to know what you want. Reflecting on your current job is a great place to start!

In this workshop we will dive into the 6 key ingredients that contribute to work fulfilment. You will reflect on your current role in a way that you may have never done before, which will hopefully result in new insights and an action plan of what you are going to do to make change happen.

Whether you are actively searching for your next challenge, considering to make a move but don't know how, or just feel stuck in your career. This workshop helps you move forward in the direction that’s right for you.

This workshop is designed for alumni who graduated up to 5 years ago and are working at the moment and/or looking for a job with previous work experience. If you are looking for a first job after graduation we have our regular workshop programme available for you (For Free up to 1 year after graduation) in our workshop portal.

The costs for this online workshop are 20 euros for alumni who graduated 1-5 years ago. If you graduated less than 1 year ago, this online workshop is free of charge. 

Please be aware that during the workshop, you are asked to open your camera. If you cannot join the workshop with your camera on, you won’t be able to interact and therefore won't be able to join this workshop.

Marlies Koolhaas

Marlies is a career coach and trainer at the TU Delft Career Centre. Her focus as a professional is to make you connect with your inner motives and drivers.