Paulien Herder

Herder is currently a full professor in “Energy systems” for the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (ME) at Delft University of Technology. In her research, engineering sciences, as well as social and behavioural sciences, play an important role. She has an excellent international network of socio-technical systems scientists and she carries various academic responsibilities in her academic and societal networks. Paulien is the director of the Delft Energy Initiative, which is a portal for about 1000 energy researchers on the campus in Delft. The portal plays a coordinating role with respect to energy education. She is the Captain of Science of the Topteam Energy and she is board member of the Dutch national science foundation’s domain for Applied and Engineering Sciences (NWO-TTW). In 2017, she was awarded the TU Delft Leermeesterprijs (Professor of Excellence Award) for excellence in research and teaching.