News & Calendar

29 July 2024

RTL Nieuws: Apparaten in huis eerder stuk door te hoge spanning op stroomnet

RTL Nieuws: Apparaten in huis eerder stuk door te hoge spanning op stroomnet

"Elektrische apparatuur heeft sowieso te lijden onder de hoge voltages", zegt Pavol Bauer, hoogleraar Energieconversie en -opslag aan de TU Delft. Hij doet onderzoek naar de levensduur en betrouwbaarheid van elektrische componenten zoals schakelaars in bijvoorbeeld tv's en vaatwassers.

06 June 2024

Understanding Extreme Weather Phenomena: PHARA's 3D Radar Project's first official Summit

Understanding Extreme Weather Phenomena: PHARA's 3D Radar Project's first official Summit

Under the name PHARA, a collaborative team of scientists and engineers aim to develop a pioneering phased array weather radar – first of its kind in Europe and one of the first worldwide. This joint effort TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, TNO, Robin Radar, Astron, KNMI, and the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, officially kicked off with a summit held on May 30.

04 June 2024

How social networks influence the decision to adopt rooftop solar panels

How social networks influence the decision to adopt rooftop solar panels

Research by Aarthi Sundaram of TU Delft shows that social networks and trust between people have a significant influence on whether or not people install solar panels on their roofs. This research reveals that affordability is not the main reason for choosing solar panels, despite it being commonly assumed. The results have been published in the journal Energy Research and Social Science. The article suggests leveraging the influence of social networks to create fairer solar energy programmes for all income groups.

23 May 2024

Protecting a Sustainable Future

Protecting a Sustainable Future

For Marjan Popov it is clear: our society is at a crossroads. “We are undertaking perhaps the biggest engineering challenge of our time – we are radically changing the electricity grids.” According to him, the complexity of the electricity grids is comparable to the human body. “Similar to how patients are treated, in terms of taking care of their health, we should always monitor, control, and protect the electricity grids. I make this comparison because both the human body and the electricity grid are vulnerable to many different diseases, or disturbances, and some of them can have serious consequences. Therefore, undertaking comprehensive security and safety measures is an essential part of our energy transition.”

16 May 2024

Innovative aviation liquid hydrogen project launched

Innovative aviation liquid hydrogen project launched

TU Delft is one of the academic partners in an innovative aviation hydrogen handling and refuelling project, led by Airbus and supported by academic partners, airport operators and leading hydrogen-industry companies that was launched on 16 May in Brussels. The project, co-funded by the European Union, has been launched to demonstrate small-scale liquid hydrogen aircraft ground operations at three European airports, including Rotterdam The Hague Airport.