News & Calendar

02 February 2022

TU Delft campus climate neutral by 2030

TU Delft campus climate neutral by 2030

By 2030, TU Delft aims to be operating in a completely sustainable manner. All activities on and from the campus will then be carbon neutral, circular, climate adaptive and contributing to the quality of life for its users and for nature. Together with all staff, students and partners of the university, sustainability coordinator Andy van den Dobbelsteen is working hard to realize this ambition. Everyone can follow the progress on a new website.

02 February 2022

NWO KICKstart grant for cross-border projects working on the electrification of the industry

NWO KICKstart grant for cross-border projects working on the electrification of the industry

Three promising cross-border collaborative projects of the TU Delft consortium e-Refinery have been granted the electrochemical conversion and materials (ECCM) KICkstart grant by NWO (Dutch Research Council).

01 February 2022

PowerWeb members explain NWO research about energy systems integration

PowerWeb members explain NWO research about energy systems integration

The transition to our future energy system is a very complex task. So-called energy system integration can play an important role in this. This contributes to making the energy system of the future just as reliable, safe and affordable as the current system, but also sustainable. Because in addition to the many technical questions, there are also many non-technical questions that need to be answered.

31 January 2022

Laurens de Vries appointed as professor of Complex Energy Transitions

Laurens de Vries appointed as professor of Complex Energy Transitions

The Executive Board appointed Laurens de Vries as professor of 'Complex Energy Transitions' as of 27 January 2022.

26 January 2022

A geothermal research well on TU Delft’s premises

A geothermal research well on TU Delft’s premises

Years ago a group of TU Delft students got the idea of realising a geothermal well at the university campus. What at first seemed like a wild plan was set into motion when it became clear the campus grounds were in fact an ideal location. Now, for theme leader Phil Vardon things are almost about to get real. After years of measuring, liaising and researching, detailed preparations to make it a reality are in full flow now. “This geothermal source on our campus will become one of the world’s biggest hotspots for research into geothermal energy.”