Tina Mioch

In 2008 Tina Mioch received her Master's degree in Computer Science from Utrecht University, followed by a Bachelor degree (part-time) in philosophy. She worked for 13 years at TNO Human Factors as scientific researcher and project leader before moving to the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht in 2020. She now works at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (department AI) as a researcher and lecturer as well as, since 2022, at the Interactive Intelligence group at TU Delft as a phd student.

Tina's research focuses on human-AI cooperation. Her phd topic is about collaborative decision-support for first responder-AI teams. Questions that she tackles are for example which values and context factors should be taken into account in the design of AI decision support systems for first responders, how can cooperation be supported between first responders and AI systems, and which methods contribute to the evaluation of AI-human cooperation.