Enrico Liscio

Enrico is a postdoctoral researcher in the Interactive Intelligence Group at TU Delft and part of the AlgoSoc project and the Hybrid Intelligence Centre, in collaboration with Pradeep Murukannaiah (TU Delft), Catholijn Jonker (TU Delft), and Tobias Blanke (UvA). He holds a PhD (cum laude) in Artificial Intelligence and a MSc degree (cum laude) in Systems&Control from TU Delft, and a BSc degree (cum laude) in Automation Engineering from the University of Bologna. Between the MSc. studies and the PhD, he worked for 2.5 years as a deep learning developer and technical project lead at Fizyr.

Enrico employs natural language processing techniques to detect human values and morality in text. In his PhD research, he investigated how AI agents can interpret humans' actions and utterances to estimate their value priorities. In his postdoctoral research, he aims to uncover the latent value-laden language within media narratives to analyze how media outlets frame core values (such as freedom and security) and to evaluate how these value frames influence public perception and shape social behavior.
