Master Projects

Title Supervisor Project Proposal
Waterkeringen dr. M. Kootte pdf
Deriving a nonlinear model equations for internal waves in continuously stratfied fluids dr. A. Geyer pdf
Internal waves propagating over a current dr. A. Geyer pdf
Numerical treatment of fluid motion with triple junctions dr. M.V. Gnann pdf
Development and Analysis of a Particle Model for Regional Traffic Interactions dr. H. Yoldas pdf
Generating an improved Sentinel-2 GPP dataset using AI A. Spinosa, Dr. M. Eleveld, and Dr. G. El Serafy Collaboration between Deltares and TU Delft DIAM (EWI) Generating an improved Sentinel-2 GPP dataset using AI
A PDE model for geothermal energy (MEP) dr. B.J. Meulenbroek GTMEP1
A network model for geothermal energy (MEP) dr. B.J. Meulenbroek GTMEP2
Dynamics on multilayer networks with applications to ecology dr. J.L.A. Dubbeldam project1_JD
Field of View modelling dr. J. L.A. Dubbeldam Student Assignment
Vibrations in elastic structures dr. ir. W.T. van Horssen Master projects on Vibrations in elastic structures
The Computational Structural Mechanics of Driving Busses and Vibrating Doors dr. D.J.P. Lahaye
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Granular Flow Sticking to the Walls of an Externally Heated Rotating Cylindrical Pipe dr. D.J.P. Lahaye zeolite-calciner-assignment
Building the Hydrogen Storage Infrastructure in the Arabian Gulf Region using Metal-Organic Frameworks dr. D.J.P. Lahaye Building the Hydrogen Storage Infrastructure in the Arabian Gulf Region using Metal-Organic Frameworks
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Non-Premixed Turbulent Combustion and Pollutant Formation in a Hot Blast Stove dr. D.J.P. Lahaye extended-hot-blat-stove-master-proposal
Processing Images Captured in a Furnace for Steel Making dr. D.J.P. Lahaye extended-imaging-master-proposal
Towards the Optimal Deployment of Residential Solar Photovoltaic Systems in the Netherlands dr.D.J.P. Lahaye Student Assignment
Deepfakes prof. dr. ir. H.X. Lin Cleverbase
Improving climate model simulations with satellite observations prof. dr. ir. H.X. Lin climate_model_PPE
Data assimilation with meteorology-dependent area of influence prof. dr. ir. H.X. Lin Project Atmospheric Data Assimilation
Stratified flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current dr. K. Marynets Stratified flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Modelling the interaction of surface currents and waves prof. dr. ir. M. Verlaan Modelling the interaction of surface currents and waves
Particle modeling for salinity intrusion prof. dr. ir. M. Verlaan particle modeling for salinity intrusion
N-body simulations for MOND-gravity dr. P.M. Visser N-body simulations for MOND-gravity
Collision detection in astrophysical disks dr. P.M. Visser Collision detection in astrophysical disks
Eddy currents ir. A.R.J.P. Vijn Eddy currents V2
Optimized degaussing coil lay-out ir. A.R.J.P. Vijn Optimized degaussing coil lay-out V2
Solving large linear systems ir. A.R.J.P. Vijn Solving large linear systems V2