Besides offering the core subjects in analysis, our section contributes to the Applied Mathematics curriculum through a rich variety of electives connected to our research, both on the bachelor and master level. Additionally, we provide courses on the history and philosophy of mathematics.


Compulsory Courses

TW1-22 Analysis 1
TW1-32 Analysis 2
AM2040 Complex Function theory
AM2090 Real Analysis
Measure and Probability Theory (in collaboration with Applied Probability)


AM3570 Fourier Analysis
AM3580 Differential Geometry
AM3590 Topology

AM2520-H History of Mathematics
AM2520-P Philosophy of Mathematics

Bachelor project

For Applied Mathematics students: See the projects offered by our group on the Brightspace page of AM3000. New projects are usually added in December.
For double bachelor Applied Mathematics / Applied Physics students: Contact our scientific staff personally to discuss the possibilities for a project.



WI4006 Special Functions and Representation Theory
WI4046 Spectral Theory of Linear Operators
WI4203 Applied Functional Analysis
WI4211 Advanced Topics in Analysis
WI4480 Internet Seminar on Evolution Equations
​​​​​​​WI4485 Harmonic Analysis
​​​​​​​WI4615 Stochastic Calculus
​​​​​​​WI4645 Introduction to Quantum Information and Computing
WI4655 Perturbation and Variational Methods for Partial Differential Equations (in collaboration with Mathematical Physics​​​​​​​)

Master project

If you would like to write your master thesis within our group, please read the research areas here of our scientific faculty here. If you find a research area that interests you, please reach out directly to the relevant faculty member to discuss their availability and potential projects.


Our courses on master level fit into two master specializations: