Digital Skills for TU Delft
As digital skills are indispensable in engineering practice, we here share the resources available at our university. These resources are limited to teaching Python and Python in teaching for now. These resources are meant to inspire all who want to teach Python and to ensure that all TU Delft students receive quality programming courses that are relevant to their studies and abilities. An additional benefit is to help prevent multiple lecturers from developing what is essentially the same course. If you have materials that you like to share here, send an email to
3.14 Re-launch of the site
At the Python in Teaching event, the digital-skills site was relaunched as a central place for all TUD educators with an interest in Python Teaching. The site is meant to showcase your teaching materials, find resources for your own teaching materials and get in contact with other teachers. If you are interested in additional information about the project, please send your email to:
The Digital Skills Team